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小乔 · 2022年11月12日




Clive Staples is a consultant with the Leedsford Organization (Leedsford), a boutique investment consulting firm serving large endowments and private foundations. Leedsford consults on tactical asset allocation (TAA) program development, implementation, and ongoing TAA idea generation.

Staples has just completed his quarterly client review of the Narnea Foundation. Based on the Foundation’s current asset allocation and Leedsford’s updated fair value models, Staples believes there is an exploitable TAA opportunity in US large-cap growth stocks. He recommends a 2% overweight position to the US equities policy allocation either through an unlevered ETF or total return swap exposures to the Russell 1000 Growth Index.

Q. Compare the efficiency of the ETF and total return swap TAA implementation alternatives from the perspectives of capital commitment, liquidity, and tracking error.




麻烦老师提示一下 错误地方 或者可以改善的


1.capital commitment:

Russell 1000Growth ETF is less efficient than total retrun swap,since etf require larger cash outlay.


etf is more efficient 

etf is exchang traded. it enjoys liquid trading and narrow bid-ask spreads.

total return swaps are over the count contracts 

3.tracking error

etf is less efficient

because Russell 1000 Growth etf is related to traacking error which result from premium and discount to net asset value.

for swaps, there is no tracking error,and it repilicate the index exactly.

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年11月12日



1.capital commitment:

Russell 1000Growth ETF is less efficient than total retrun swap,since etf require larger cash outlay.


etf is more efficient 

etf is exchang traded. it enjoys liquid trading and narrow bid-ask spreads.

total return swaps are over the count contracts 


3.tracking error

etf is less efficient

Unlike etf,swaps repilicate the index exactly,as a result there is less or even no tracking error.


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NO.PZ2022051904000007 问题如下 Clive Staples is a consultant with the LeeforOrganization (Leefor, a boutique investment consulting firm serving large enwments anprivate fountions. Leeforconsults on tacticasset allocation (TAprogrvelopment, implementation, anongoing Tia generation. Staples hjust completehis quarterly client review of the Narnea Fountion. Baseon the Fountion’s current asset allocation anLeefors uptefair value mols, Staples believes there is exploitable Topportunity in US large-cgrowth stocks. He recommen a 2% overweight position to the US equities poliallocation either through unlevereETF or totreturn swexposures to the Russell 1000 Growth Inx. Q. Compare the efficienof the ETF antotreturn swTimplementation alternatives from the perspectives of capitcommitment, liquity, antracking error. 关于capitcommitment解析中,倒数第三行【In contrast, a totreturn swgenerates a simileconomic exposure to ETFs with mulower capital.】这里的capitcommitment是指购买totreturn swap和购买ETF的成本吗?还是其他意思?我看不懂。怎么知道他们俩的capitcommitment谁大谁小?谢谢助教!

2024-01-20 20:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000007 问题如下 Clive Staples is a consultant with the LeeforOrganization (Leefor, a boutique investment consulting firm serving large enwments anprivate fountions. Leeforconsults on tacticasset allocation (TAprogrvelopment, implementation, anongoing Tia generation. Staples hjust completehis quarterly client review of the Narnea Fountion. Baseon the Fountion’s current asset allocation anLeefors uptefair value mols, Staples believes there is exploitable Topportunity in US large-cgrowth stocks. He recommen a 2% overweight position to the US equities poliallocation either through unlevereETF or totreturn swexposures to the Russell 1000 Growth Inx. Q. Compare the efficienof the ETF antotreturn swTimplementation alternatives from the perspectives of capitcommitment, liquity, antracking error. 这类问题的知识点在哪一章

2024-01-18 15:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000007 问题如下 Clive Staples is a consultant with the LeeforOrganization (Leefor, a boutique investment consulting firm serving large enwments anprivate fountions. Leeforconsults on tacticasset allocation (TAprogrvelopment, implementation, anongoing Tia generation. Staples hjust completehis quarterly client review of the Narnea Fountion. Baseon the Fountion’s current asset allocation anLeefors uptefair value mols, Staples believes there is exploitable Topportunity in US large-cgrowth stocks. He recommen a 2% overweight position to the US equities poliallocation either through unlevereETF or totreturn swexposures to the Russell 1000 Growth Inx. Q. Compare the efficienof the ETF antotreturn swTimplementation alternatives from the perspectives of capitcommitment, liquity, antracking error. etf好像没有tax,swap有吗?会造成tracking error吗

2023-12-26 11:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000007问题如下 Clive Staples is a consultant with the LeeforOrganization (Leefor, a boutique investment consulting firm serving large enwments anprivate fountions. Leeforconsults on tacticasset allocation (TAprogrvelopment, implementation, anongoing Tia generation. Staples hjust completehis quarterly client review of the Narnea Fountion. Baseon the Fountion’s current asset allocation anLeefors uptefair value mols, Staples believes there is exploitable Topportunity in US large-cgrowth stocks. He recommen a 2% overweight position to the US equities poliallocation either through unlevereETF or totreturn swexposures to the Russell 1000 Growth Inx. Q. Compare the efficienof the ETF antotreturn swTimplementation alternatives from the perspectives of capitcommitment, liquity, antracking error. 问题如上。。。。。。。。。

2023-09-09 14:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000007问题如下 Clive Staples is a consultant with the LeeforOrganization (Leefor, a boutique investment consulting firm serving large enwments anprivate fountions. Leeforconsults on tacticasset allocation (TAprogrvelopment, implementation, anongoing Tia generation. Staples hjust completehis quarterly client review of the Narnea Fountion. Baseon the Fountion’s current asset allocation anLeefors uptefair value mols, Staples believes there is exploitable Topportunity in US large-cgrowth stocks. He recommen a 2% overweight position to the US equities poliallocation either through unlevereETF or totreturn swexposures to the Russell 1000 Growth Inx. Q. Compare the efficienof the ETF antotreturn swTimplementation alternatives from the perspectives of capitcommitment, liquity, antracking error. 啊 这是本章知识内容吗

2023-06-29 20:21 1 · 回答