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Lemonade · 2022年11月01日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



John Smith, an investment adviser, meets with Lydia Carter to discuss her pending retirement and potential changes to her investment portfolio. Domestic economic activity has been weakening recently, and Smith’s outlook is that equity market values will be lower during the next year. He would like Carter to consider reducing her equity exposure in favor of adding more fixed-income securities to the portfolio.

Government yields have remained low for an extended period, and Smith suggests considering investment-grade corporate bonds to provide additional yield above government debt issues. In light of recent poor employment figures and two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, the consensus forecast among economists is that the central bank, at its next meeting this month, will take actions that will lead to lower interest rates.

Smith and Carter review par, spot, and one-year forward rates (Exhibit 1) and four fixed-rate investment-grade bonds issued by Alpha Corporation which are being considered for investment (Exhibit 2).

Exhibit 1.₤Par, Spot, and One-Year Forward Rates (annual coupon payments)

Exhibit 2.₤Selected Fixed-Rate Bonds of Alpha Corporation

Note: All bonds in Exhibit 2 have remaining maturities of exactly three years

Carter tells Smith that the local news media have been reporting that housing starts, exports, and demand for consumer credit are all relatively strong, even in light of other poor macroeconomic indicators. Smith explains that the divergence in economic data leads him to believe that volatility in interest rates will increase. Smith also states that he recently read a report issued by Brown and Company forecasting that the yield curve could invert within the next six months.

Smith develops a binomial interest rate tree with a 15% interest rate volatility assumption to assess the value of Alpha Corporation’s bonds. Exhibit 3 presents the interest rate tree.

Exhibit 3.₤Binomial Interest Rate Tree for Alpha Corporation 15% Interest Rate Volatility

Carter asks Smith about the possibility of analyzing bonds that have lower credit ratings than the investment-grade Alpha bonds. Smith discusses four other corporate bonds with Carter. Exhibit 4 presents selected data on the four bonds.

Exhibit 4.₤Selected Information on Fixed-Rate Bonds for Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Rho Corporations

Notes: All bonds have remaining maturities of three years. OAS stands for option-adjusted spread.

Based on Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, the market price of Bond 4 is closest to:









A is correct.

The market price of callable Bond 4 with no protection period cannot exceed 100.

为什么到PV0的时候要用1%折现?callable bond不是低于1.55%就取不到了吗?难道折现到0时刻不应该用1.55%吗

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2022年11月02日


1.55%对应的是债券的coupon rate,而不是折现率。每一期的折现率应该使用的是表三中的二叉树。折现到零时刻就应该用1%。


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NO.PZ201712110200000307 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, the market priof Bon4 is closest to: A.100.0000. B.100.5123. C.100.8790. A is correct.The market priof callable Bon4 with no protection periocannot excee100. 还是需要用二叉树算,如果高于100,就只能取到100

2024-08-09 10:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201712110200000307 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, the market priof Bon4 is closest to: A.100.0000. B.100.5123. C.100.8790. A is correct.The market priof callable Bon4 with no protection periocannot excee100. 原来有个题目,callable 的p0是可以大于赎回价的,但这题又不行,我看之前老师的回答貌似是书改了,那么24年五月考试,这题目答案应该是多少?关于这个p0的问题我也一直很confuse,到底要不要考虑行权?麻烦给个准确信息谢谢

2024-02-21 15:03 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201712110200000307 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, the market priof Bon4 is closest to: A.100.0000. B.100.5123. C.100.8790. A is correct.The market priof callable Bon4 with no protection periocannot excee100. 请问老师,我计算出来的结果是100.45,为何答案是100

2022-05-02 09:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201712110200000307问题如下Baseon Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, the market priof Bon4 is closest to:A.100.0000.B.100.5123.C.100.8790. A is correct.The market priof callable Bon4 with no protection periocannot excee100. 如果这道题换成了 putable bon是不是也可以理解为如果题干中的 putable bon也没有锁定期,价格一旦低于执行价格会立刻行权,所以价格不会低于 100,谢谢老师

2022-04-12 21:21 1 · 回答