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Arnie · 2022年10月26日

Statement 1: Although the amount and date of SD&R’s liability is known with certainty, measurement errors associated with key parameters relative to interest rate changes may adversely affect the bond portfolios.

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SD&R Capital (SD&R), a global asset management company, specializes in ­fixed-income investments. Molly, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospective client, Leah of DePuy Financial Company (DFC).

Leah informs Molly that DFC’s previous ­fixed-income manager focused on the interest rate sensitivities of assets and liabilities when making asset allocation decisions. Molly explains that, in contrast, SD&R’s investment process ­first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, and then it builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities.

Molly notes that SD&R generally uses actively managed portfolios designed to earn a return in excess of the benchmark portfolio. For clients interested in passive exposure to ­fixed-income instruments, SD&R offers two additional approaches.

  • Approach 1: Seeks to fully replicate a small range of benchmarks consisting of government bonds.
  • Approach 2: Follows an enhanced indexing process for a subset of the bonds included in the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index. Approach 2 may also be customized to reflect client preferences.
To illustrate SD&R’s immunization approach for controlling portfolio interest rate risk, Molly discusses a hypothetical portfolio composed of two non-callable, investment-grade bonds. The portfolio has a weighted average yield- to-maturity of 9.55%, a weighted average coupon rate of 10.25%, and a cash flow yield of 9.85%.

Leah informs Molly that DFC has a single $500 million liability due in nine years, and she wants SD&R to construct a bond portfolio that earns a rate of return sufficient to pay off the obligation. Leah expresses concern about the risks associated with an immunization strategy for this obligation. In response, Molly makes the following statements about liability-driven investing:

  • Statement 1: Although the amount and date of SD&R’s liability is known with certainty, measurement errors associated with key parameters relative to interest rate changes may adversely affect the bond portfolios.
  • Statement 2: A cash flow matching strategy will mitigate the risk from non-parallel shifts in the yield curve.
Molly provides the four US dollar–denominated bond portfolios in Exhibit 1 for consideration. Molly explains that the portfolios consist of non-callable, investment-grade corporate and government bonds of various maturities because zero-coupon bonds are unavailable.

The discussion turns to benchmark selection. DFC’s previous fixed-income manager used a custom benchmark with the following characteristics:

  • Characteristic 1: The benchmark portfolio invests only in investment-grade bonds of US corporations with a minimum issuance size of $250 million.
  • Characteristic 2: Valuation occurs on a weekly basis, because many of the bonds in the index are valued weekly.
  • Characteristic 3: Historical prices and portfolio turnover are available for review.
Molly explains that, in order to evaluate the asset allocation process, fixed-income portfolios should have an appropriate benchmark. Leah asks for benchmark advice regarding DFC’s portfolio of short-term and intermediate-term bonds, all denominated in US dollars. Molly presents three possible benchmarks in Exhibit 2.

Which of Molly’s statements about liability-driven investing is (are) correct?



Statement 1 only


Statement 2 only.


Both Statement 1 and Statement 2.


C is correct. Molly is correct that measurement error can arise even in immunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, which have set amounts and set dates. Also, a parallel shift in yield curves is a sufficient but not a necessary condition to achieve the desired outcome. Non-parallel shifts as well as twists in the yield curve can change the cash flow yield on the immunizing portfolio; however, minimizing the dispersion of cash flows in the asset portfolio mitigates this risk. As a result, both statements are correct.

statement 1 中的 measurement errors指的是什么呢

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年10月26日



再比如用∑wiDi而不是用portfolio的mac duration作为portfolio duration,这些估计与假设会假设组合达不到想要的效果。


  • 1

  • 4

  • 485


NO.PZ201812020100000405问题如下 Whiof Molly’s statements about liability-iven investing is (are)correct? Statement 1 only Statement 2 only.Both Statement 1 and Statement 2. Cis correct. Molly is correthmeasurement error carise even inimmunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, whihave set amounts ansettes. Also, a parallel shift in yielcurves is a sufficient but not anecessary contion to achieve the sireoutcome. Non-parallel shifts welltwists in the yielcurve cchange the cash flow yielon the immunizingportfolio; however, minimizing the spersion of cash flows in the assetportfolio mitigates this risk. a result, both statements are correct. 答案没有cash flow matching 的问题?

2023-12-18 10:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000405问题如下 Whiof Molly’s statements about liability-iven investing is (are)correct? Statement 1 only Statement 2 only.Both Statement 1 and Statement 2. Cis correct. Molly is correthmeasurement error carise even inimmunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, whihave set amounts ansettes. Also, a parallel shift in yielcurves is a sufficient but not anecessary contion to achieve the sireoutcome. Non-parallel shifts welltwists in the yielcurve cchange the cash flow yielon the immunizingportfolio; however, minimizing the spersion of cash flows in the assetportfolio mitigates this risk. a result, both statements are correct. 老师 ration matching不假设收益率曲线不发生改变吗

2023-11-25 08:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000405问题如下 Whiof Molly’s statements about liability-iven investing is (are)correct? Statement 1 only Statement 2 only.Both Statement 1 and Statement 2. Cis correct. Molly is correthmeasurement error carise even inimmunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, whihave set amounts ansettes. Also, a parallel shift in yielcurves is a sufficient but not anecessary contion to achieve the sireoutcome. Non-parallel shifts welltwists in the yielcurve cchange the cash flow yielon the immunizingportfolio; however, minimizing the spersion of cash flows in the assetportfolio mitigates this risk. a result, both statements are correct. statement 1 是对的,是因为他说了一种场景吧,比如说用ration matching,parameters就有影响,cashflow没有影响。如果改成will aersely affethe bonportfolios 还对么?

2023-08-06 12:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000405 问题如下 Whiof Molly’s statements about liability-iven investing is (are)correct? Statement 1 only Statement 2 only. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2. Cis correct. Molly is correthmeasurement error carise even inimmunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, whihave set amounts ansettes. Also, a parallel shift in yielcurves is a sufficient but not anecessary contion to achieve the sireoutcome. Non-parallel shifts welltwists in the yielcurve cchange the cash flow yielon the immunizingportfolio; however, minimizing the spersion of cash flows in the assetportfolio mitigates this risk. a result, both statements are correct. 老师,前面一个题目不是说免疫策略是liability-asset management,不是liability-iven investing?为啥这个题干里说的是liability-asset management

2022-08-21 18:45 2 · 回答