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开泰-王飞 · 2022年10月23日

这题portfolio 2的money duration 不符合条件啊,为啥convexity一定要大于,而money duration可以近似,如果考虑2个标准都要大于,难道不应该是portfolio 1最好?



Schuylkill and Chaopraya now discuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value of the four future cash flows as $230,372, with a money duration of $2,609,700 and convexity of 135.142. She considers three possible portfolios to immunize the future payments, as presented in Exhibit 2.

Determine the most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify your decision.





Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only one that satisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio of multiple future outflows:

  • Money Duration: Money durations of all three possible immunizing portfolios match or closely match the money duration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money durations is useful because the market values and cash flow yields of the immunizing portfolio and the outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.
  • Convexity: Given that the money duration requirement is met by all three possible immunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity that is above the outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 should be selected. The dispersion, as measured by convexity, of the immunizing portfolio should be as low as possible subject to being greater than or equal to the dispersion of the outflow portfolio. This will minimize the effect of non-parallel shifts in the yield curve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less than the outflow portfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2 have convexities that exceed the convexity of the outflow portfolio, but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower than Portfolio 1’s convexity of 147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.

The immunizing portfolio needs to be greater than the convexity (and dispersion) of the outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio should be minimized in order to minimize dispersion and reduce structural risk


1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年10月24日


免疫的第二个条件是BPV of asset=BPV of liability,但是实际上二者完全相等是很难做到的,一般让二者近似相等就行。

本题说liability 的money duration是2609700,三个Portfolio的money duration分别是2609981、2609442、2609707,对于一个百万级别的数,相差几百,也就是万分之一,是可以容忍的,也就是说可以认为三个portfolio都满足第二个条件。





  • 1

  • 0

  • 560


NO.PZ2018120301000037问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk 有没有一个门槛比例之类可以界定,我感觉200多又不算相差的少,但是答案有这么写,想怎么都是按照答案来倒推,下次遇见类似的还是拿不准

2024-06-12 07:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000037 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk 老师好,我怎么判断ration接近呢?我感觉portfolio2 ration低所以不行啊

2024-04-24 11:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000037 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk Multiple Liability——ration matching的第三个条件不是Convexity convexityL吗,为什么选最接近的呢?

2023-12-30 10:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000037 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk 在market value 满足的前提下,应该选择最精确的money ration匹配吧?这里三个portfolio 都满足了market value 大于 PV of liability ;然后Portfolio 3 的money ration is 2609 707 ,the money ration of the liability is 2609700;在money ration 匹配的基础上,再最后考虑凸度的匹配吧?凸度只是二阶导的影响,所以影响力没有money ration来的重要;为什么放着money ration能精确匹配的不选,要选择近似匹配的其他;

2023-12-17 11:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000037 问题如下 SchuylkillanChaopraya now scuss Option 2. Chaopraya estimates the present value ofthe four future cash flows $230,372, with a money ration of $2,609,700 anonvexity of 135.142. She consirs three possible portfolios to immunize thefuture payments, presentein Exhibit 2.terminethe most appropriate immunization portfolio in Exhibit 2. Justify yourcision. Answer:Justification:Portfolio2 is the most appropriate immunization portfolio because it is the only onethsatisfies the following two criteria for immunizing a portfolio ofmultiple future outflows: Money ration: Money rations of all three possible immunizing portfolios mator closely matthe money ration of the outflow portfolio. Matching money rations is useful because the market values ancash flow yiel of the immunizing portfolio anthe outflow portfolio are not necessarily equal.Convexity:Given ththe money ration requirement is met all three possibleimmunizing portfolios, the portfolio with the lowest convexity this abovethe outflow portfolio’s convexity of 135.142 shoulselecte Thespersion, measureconvexity, of the immunizing portfolio shoulaslow possible subjeto being greater thor equto the spersion of theoutflow portfolio. This will minimize the effeof non-parallel shifts in theyielcurve. Portfolio 3’s convexity of 132.865 is less ththe outflowportfolio’s convexity, so Portfolio 3 is not appropriate. Both Portfolio 1 anortfolio 2 have convexities thexceethe convexity of the outflow portfolio,but Portfolio 2’s convexity of 139.851 is lower thPortfolio 1’s convexity of147.640. Therefore, Portfolio 2 is the most appropriate immunizing portfolio.Theimmunizing portfolio nee to greater ththe convexity (anspersion) ofthe outflow portfolio. But, the convexity of the immunizing portfolio shoulbeminimizein orr to minimize spersion anrestructurrisk portfolio2的PVa PVL啊

2023-12-13 17:53 1 · 回答