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Arnie · 2022年10月13日

针对variance of the market factor return and covariances with the market factor return 的理解



Based on Exhibit 2, the portion of total portfolio risk that is explained by the market factor in Fund 1’s existing portfolio is closest to:









The portion of total portfolio risk explained by the market factor is calculated in two steps. The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to total portfolio variance as follows:


CVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to total portfolio variance

xmarket factor = weight of the market factor in the portfolio

xj = weight of factor j in the portfolio

Cmf,j = covariance between the market factor and factor j

The variance attributed to the market factor is as follows:

CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 × 0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)

CVmarket factor = 0.001223

The second step is to divide the resulting variance attributed to the market factor by the portfolio variance of returns, which is the square of the standard deviation of returns:

Portion of total portfolio risk explained by the market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)2

Portion of total portfolio risk explained by the market factor = 87%

covariance 就是代表了 market factor与其他factor的covariance了吗?为什么前面还要写variance of the market factor return?

3 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年10月14日


covariance 就是代表了 market factor与其他factor的covariance了吗?为什么前面还要写variance of the market factor return?




这里是为了表述准确,也写了variance of the market factor return。意思是,market因子与market因子自己的协方差,也就是market 因子的方差。



笛子_品职助教 · 2022年12月03日



知识点章节是allocating the risk budget。同学可以从基础讲义245页看起。如果不想翻讲义,也可以看下面老师的截图。


1.08可以看成是 market factor的权重。然后遵循以下基础讲义例题的解题套路。




笛子_品职助教 · 2022年10月14日



绿色方框,是market factor与market factor的协方差,也就是market factor的方差。

后面才是协方差,例如size这列,是market factor和size的协方差


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NO.PZ2019012201000065 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, theportion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3% B.81% C.87% The portion oftotportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps.The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio varianfollows:WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in theportfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 ×0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep isto vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor theportfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation ofreturns:Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)2Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 这题是对应PPT上面哪个考点?没找到

2024-07-14 17:52 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000065 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, theportion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3% B.81% C.87% The portion oftotportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps.The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio varianfollows:WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in theportfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 ×0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep isto vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor theportfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation ofreturns:Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)2Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 请问coefficient是回归系数,为什么代表了每个资产的权重?CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 ×0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034) 答案中直接用的是coefficient数值作为权重带入计算的是吗

2024-07-06 17:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000065 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, theportion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3% B.81% C.87% The portion oftotportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps.The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio varianfollows:WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in theportfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 ×0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep isto vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor theportfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation ofreturns:Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)2Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 问的是portion of totportfolio risk, 为什么不可以把CV=0.001223开根号取Stanrviation的3.4971%, 最后3.4971/3.74=93.51%

2024-06-25 22:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000065问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, theportion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun’s existing portfolio is closest to:A.3% B.81% C.87% The portion oftotportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps.The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio varianfollows:WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in theportfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 ×0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep isto vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor theportfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation ofreturns:Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)2Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87%组合的标准差给的是月度的,这里要不要考虑把标准差年化处理?

2024-06-22 22:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000065 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, theportion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3% B.81% C.87% The portion oftotportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps.The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio varianfollows:WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totalportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in theportfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 ×0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep isto vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor theportfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation ofreturns:Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)2Portion of totalportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 老师,这题是求CV/portfolio variance,之前有一题问the proportion of totportfolio variancontributeasset 2,是求CV2的,问题都好像,分不清他问CV,还是CV/portfolio variance

2024-06-14 09:57 1 · 回答