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Basel Zhang · 2022年09月29日




During preparation for the weekly PWG meeting, Davidson reviews the financial holdings of three new clients along with their risk assessment questionnaires. Her observations are summarized in Exhibit 1 Client Assessment Highlights

During the meeting, fellow adviser Liam Roche makes the following observation based on the information in Exhibit 1: "Mr. Donnelly should respond favorably to education focused on how the investment program affects financial security, retirement planning, and future generations. However, Ms. Connor and Mr. O'Driscoll will respond better to education on portfolio metrics, such as the Sharpe Ratio."

Roche's observation regarding client education is least likely accurate for which client?



Kyra Conner


Alan O'Driscoll


Michael Donnelly


Both Conner and Donnelly are exhibiting emotional biases. When advising emotionally biased investors, advisers should focus on explaining how the investment program being created affects such issues as financial security, retirement, or future generations rather than focusing on quantitative details. The recommendation for Conner would be more suited for a cognitively biased investor. O'Driscoll is a cognitively biased investor (friendly follower). As such, focusing on such metrics as the Sharpe Ratio would be appropriate for this client.

AA应该不会关心“how the investment program affects financial security, retirement planning, and future generations.”吧。

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2022年10月08日



同学的分析没问题,投资者分类是 AA

AA 的 primary biases 是 emotional bias,偏感性,直觉,主观判断

所以对待这类客户时也要从感性的角度,向他们解释为什么这个投资比较好,比如可以解决退休,financial security 或者为子女做打算,而不是给他们列数字或者从 sharpe ratio 这种 quantitative 量化的角度来对待他们

请参考基础班讲义笔记版 P123


我个人认为,这道题的解题思路,是首先判断出三个客户的 BIT 投资者分类,然后再判断不同投资者分类呈现的主要偏差




  • 1

  • 0

  • 400


NO.PZ2022052301000014 问题如下 ring preparation for the weekly PWG meeting, vion reviews the financiholngs of three new clients along with their risk assessment questionnaires. Her observations are summarizein Exhibit 1 Client Assessment Highlightsring the meeting, fellow aiser LiRoche makes the following observation baseon the information in Exhibit 1: \"Mr. nnelly shoulresponfavorably to ecation focuseon how the investment prograffects financisecurity, retirement planning, anfuture generations. However, Ms. Connor anMr. O'iscoll will responbetter to ecation on portfolio metrics, suthe Sharpe Ratio.\"Roche's observation regarng client ecation is least likely accurate for whiclient? A.Kyra Conner B.AlO'iscoll C.Michael nnelly Both Conner annnelly are exhibiting emotionbiases. When aising emotionally biaseinvestors, aisers shoulfocus on explaining how the investment progrbeing createaffects suissues financisecurity, retirement, or future generations rather thfocusing on quantitative tails. The recommention for Conner woulmore suitefor a cognitively biaseinvestor. O'iscoll is a cognitively biaseinvestor (frieny follower). such, focusing on sumetrithe Sharpe Ratio woulappropriate for this client. 就是我以为,PP和AA的投资者,都是不能给数字,只能给“伟大蓝图”的。但是这道题就告诉我们,PP相对AA的投资者,更不能看到相关数据,他们会更加焦虑,是这个意思吗?

2022-10-23 14:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022052301000014 问题如下 ring preparation for the weekly PWG meeting, vion reviews the financiholngs of three new clients along with their risk assessment questionnaires. Her observations are summarizein Exhibit 1 Client Assessment Highlightsring the meeting, fellow aiser LiRoche makes the following observation baseon the information in Exhibit 1: \"Mr. nnelly shoulresponfavorably to ecation focuseon how the investment prograffects financisecurity, retirement planning, anfuture generations. However, Ms. Connor anMr. O'iscoll will responbetter to ecation on portfolio metrics, suthe Sharpe Ratio.\"Roche's observation regarng client ecation is least likely accurate for whiclient? A.Kyra Conner B.AlO'iscoll C.Michael nnelly Both Conner annnelly are exhibiting emotionbiases. When aising emotionally biaseinvestors, aisers shoulfocus on explaining how the investment progrbeing createaffects suissues financisecurity, retirement, or future generations rather thfocusing on quantitative tails. The recommention for Conner woulmore suitefor a cognitively biaseinvestor. O'iscoll is a cognitively biaseinvestor (frieny follower). such, focusing on sumetrithe Sharpe Ratio woulappropriate for this client. 这道题可以翻译一下吗?没看明白题目是什么意思

2022-09-11 23:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022052301000014问题如下 ring preparation for the weekly PWG meeting, vion reviews the financiholngs of three new clients along with their risk assessment questionnaires. Her observations are summarizein Exhibit 1 Client Assessment Highlightsring the meeting, fellow aiser LiRoche makes the following observation baseon the information in Exhibit 1: \"Mr. nnelly shoulresponfavorably to ecation focuseon how the investment prograffects financisecurity, retirement planning, anfuture generations. However, Ms. Connor anMr. O'iscoll will responbetter to ecation on portfolio metrics, suthe Sharpe Ratio.\"Roche's observation regarng client ecation is least likely accurate for whiclient? A.Kyra ConnerB.AlO'iscoll C.Michael nnelly Both Conner annnelly are exhibiting emotionbiases. When aising emotionally biaseinvestors, aisers shoulfocus on explaining how the investment progrbeing createaffects suissues financisecurity, retirement, or future generations rather thfocusing on quantitative tails. The recommention for Conner woulmore suitefor a cognitively biaseinvestor. O'iscoll is a cognitively biaseinvestor (frieny follower). such, focusing on sumetrithe Sharpe Ratio woulappropriate for this client. Connor表现哪种emotionbias,根据哪句话判断的呢?

2022-07-12 05:32 1 · 回答