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庄鑫 · 2022年09月29日




Tim, an analyst of an investment company forecasts the return and deviation of below securities. Based on these information, which statement is most correct:




Security A has the highest total risk.


Security B has the highest total risk.


Security C has the highest total risk.


A is correct.

The total variance of security A is 0.3 2 =0.09

The total variance of security B is  0.25 2 =0.0625

The total variance of security C is  0.25 2 =0.0625

The total variance of A >The total variance of B =The total variance of C.

Security A has the highest total risk.

题目问的是Total risk,那应该跟资产与市场的敏感性有关,为什么beta在这里是无效信息?为什么不能说beta越大,资产波动性越大,也即risk越大?

1 个答案

Kiko_品职助教 · 2022年09月29日


 beta 代表的是系统性风险,而variance或standard deviation代表的是总风险。请知悉。


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NO.PZ2018070201000092 问题如下 Tim, analyst of investment company forecasts the return anviation of below securities. Baseon these information, whistatement is most correct: A.Security A hthe highest totrisk. B.Security B hthe highest totrisk. C.Security C hthe highest totrisk. A is correct.The totvarianof security A is 0.3 2 =0.09The totvarianof security B is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof security C is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof The totvarianof B =The totvarianof C.Security A hthe highest totrisk. 方差怎么计算

2024-07-10 19:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018070201000092 问题如下 Tim, analyst of investment company forecasts the return anviation of below securities. Baseon these information, whistatement is most correct: A.Security A hthe highest totrisk. B.Security B hthe highest totrisk. C.Security C hthe highest totrisk. A is correct.The totvarianof security A is 0.3 2 =0.09The totvarianof security B is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof security C is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof The totvarianof B =The totvarianof C.Security A hthe highest totrisk. 老师,这是我的解题思路,能帮我看下我错在哪里吗?

2024-03-07 11:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018070201000092 问题如下 Tim, analyst of investment company forecasts the return anviation of below securities. Baseon these information, whistatement is most correct: A.Security A hthe highest totrisk. B.Security B hthe highest totrisk. C.Security C hthe highest totrisk. A is correct.The totvarianof security A is 0.3 2 =0.09The totvarianof security B is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof security C is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof The totvarianof B =The totvarianof C.Security A hthe highest totrisk. totrisk是用方差来衡量的吗

2023-08-18 04:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018070201000092问题如下 Tim, analyst of investment company forecasts the return anviation of below securities. Baseon these information, whistatement is most correct: A.Security A hthe highest totrisk.B.Security B hthe highest totrisk.C.Security C hthe highest totrisk.A is correct.The totvarianof security A is 0.3 2 =0.09The totvarianof security B is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof security C is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof The totvarianof B =The totvarianof C.Security A hthe highest totrisk.c项expectereturn最高,不是就是risk最高

2023-08-15 20:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018070201000092问题如下 Tim, analyst of investment company forecasts the return anviation of below securities. Baseon these information, whistatement is most correct: A.Security A hthe highest totrisk.B.Security B hthe highest totrisk.C.Security C hthe highest totrisk.A is correct.The totvarianof security A is 0.3 2 =0.09The totvarianof security B is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof security C is 0.25 2 =0.0625The totvarianof The totvarianof B =The totvarianof C.Security A hthe highest totrisk.题目有问题,给的条件不全。是软件的问题?

2023-06-03 08:14 3 · 回答