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Scarle · 2022年09月29日




In contrast to contingent claims, forward contracts:



have their prices chosen by the participants.


could end in default by either party.


can be exercised by physical or cash delivery


B is correct. In a forward contract, either party could default, whereas in a contingent claim, default is possible only from the short to the long. A is incorrect because the forward price is set in the pricing of the contract such that the starting contract value is zero, unlike contingent claims, under which parties can select any starting value. C is incorrect because both forward contracts and contingent claims can be settled by either physical or cash delivery.


B正确,在forward commitment 中,任何一方都可以违约,而在contingent claim中,只有short方有可能违约。

A是不正确的,forward 合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格


forward能实物交割我理解,futures swap 的实物是什么?怎么交割?

contingent里 credit der和abs为什么不能实物交割?

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年10月06日


both forward contracts and contingent claims can be settled by either physical or cash delivery. 都可以实物交割或者现金交割哦



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NO.PZ2018062007000087 问题如下 In contrast to contingent claims, forwarcontracts: A.have their prices chosen the participants. B.coulenin fault either party. C.cexercisephysicor cash livery B is correct. In a forwarcontract, either party coulfault, wherein a contingent claim, fault is possible only from the short to the long. A is incorrebecause the forwarpriis set in the pricing of the contrasuththe starting contravalue is zero, unlike contingent claims, unr whiparties cseleany starting value. C is incorrebecause both forwarcontracts ancontingent claims csettleeither physicor cash livery. 中文解析B正确,在forwarcommitment 中,任何一方都可以违约,而在contingent claim中,只有short方有可能违约。A是不正确的,forwar合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格。C是错误的,二者都可以通过实物交割或现金交割来结算。 1

2024-02-25 15:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000087问题如下 In contrast to contingent claims, forwarcontracts:A.have their prices chosen the participants.B.coulenin fault either party. C.cexercisephysicor cash livery B is correct. In a forwarcontract, either party coulfault, wherein a contingent claim, fault is possible only from the short to the long. A is incorrebecause the forwarpriis set in the pricing of the contrasuththe starting contravalue is zero, unlike contingent claims, unr whiparties cseleany starting value. C is incorrebecause both forwarcontracts ancontingent claims csettleeither physicor cash livery. 中文解析B正确,在forwarcommitment 中,任何一方都可以违约,而在contingent claim中,只有short方有可能违约。A是不正确的,forwar合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格。C是错误的,二者都可以通过实物交割或现金交割来结算。 为什么只有一方可以违约,这两个产品的不同是什么

2024-02-07 15:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000087问题如下 In contrast to contingent claims, forwarcontracts:A.have their prices chosen the participants.B.coulenin fault either party. C.cexercisephysicor cash livery B is correct. In a forwarcontract, either party coulfault, wherein a contingent claim, fault is possible only from the short to the long. A is incorrebecause the forwarpriis set in the pricing of the contrasuththe starting contravalue is zero, unlike contingent claims, unr whiparties cseleany starting value. C is incorrebecause both forwarcontracts ancontingent claims csettleeither physicor cash livery. 中文解析B正确,在forwarcommitment 中,任何一方都可以违约,而在contingent claim中,只有short方有可能违约。A是不正确的,forwar合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格。C是错误的,二者都可以通过实物交割或现金交割来结算。 rt,我觉得题出的有问题吧,赚钱的一方根本不可能违约啊,除非脑袋有问题

2023-09-25 23:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000087 问题如下 In contrast to contingent claims, forwarcontracts: A.have their prices chosen the participants. B.coulenin fault either party. C.cexercisephysicor cash livery B is correct. In a forwarcontract, either party coulfault, wherein a contingent claim, fault is possible only from the short to the long. A is incorrebecause the forwarpriis set in the pricing of the contrasuththe starting contravalue is zero, unlike contingent claims, unr whiparties cseleany starting value. C is incorrebecause both forwarcontracts ancontingent claims csettleeither physicor cash livery. 中文解析B正确,在forwarcommitment 中,任何一方都可以违约,而在contingent claim中,只有short方有可能违约。A是不正确的,forwar合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格。C是错误的,二者都可以通过实物交割或现金交割来结算。 forwar合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格。我记得老师讲课不是说,远期合约这种,价格是买卖双方商定的吗?任意一方都可以违约,不是说是零和游戏,只有一方会违约吗?比如SWAP

2023-08-02 21:24 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000087问题如下 In contrast to contingent claims, forwarcontracts:A.have their prices chosen the participants.B.coulenin fault either party. C.cexercisephysicor cash livery B is correct. In a forwarcontract, either party coulfault, wherein a contingent claim, fault is possible only from the short to the long. A is incorrebecause the forwarpriis set in the pricing of the contrasuththe starting contravalue is zero, unlike contingent claims, unr whiparties cseleany starting value. C is incorrebecause both forwarcontracts ancontingent claims csettleeither physicor cash livery. 中文解析B正确,在forwarcommitment 中,任何一方都可以违约,而在contingent claim中,只有short方有可能违约。A是不正确的,forwar合约的价格不是参与着可以自己选择的,它是我们通过无套利原则计算出来的,使得合约初始的价值为0的价格。C是错误的,二者都可以通过实物交割或现金交割来结算。 Forwar是被分在forwarcommitment里面吗?不是说像option cret rivatives abs这些有权利的才在contingent claim里面吗?

2023-03-29 04:45 1 · 回答