Each composite of a GIPS- compliant firm must consist of:
A.multiple portfolios.
B.portfolios selected on an ex post basis.
C.portfolios managed according to a similar investment strategy.
C is correct. A composite is an aggregation of one or more portfolios managed according to a similar investment mandate, objective, or strategy. For example, if a GIPS- compliant firm presents performance for a global equity composite (the composite), the composite must include portfolios that are managed, or have historically been managed, according to the firm’s global equity strategy.
A is incorrect because a composite is an aggregation of one or more portfolios managed according to a similar investment mandate, objective, or strategy. A composite may consist of a single portfolio when it is the only portfolio managed according to a particular mandate.
B is incorrect because the determination of which portfolio(s) to include in a composite should be done according to pre- established criteria (ex ante basis), not after the fact (ex post basis).
老师,请问这个选项里的"ex post basis"和“ex ante basis"对应现实中的哪种情况?不太理解这个考点想考啥?
B. portfolios selected on an ex post basis.