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csspyj · 2022年09月22日

curation step 什么意思



Rivera makes the following statements:

Statement 1 Some of the methods used in the exploration step are different for structured and unstructured data, but for both types of data, the step involves feature selection and feature engineering.

Statement 2 A major difference when developing a text-based ML model is the curation step, which involves cleansing, preprocessing, and converting the data into a structured format usable for model training.

Which of Rivera’s statements about differences in ML model building steps is correct?



Only Statement 1


Only Statement 2


Both Statement 1 and Statement 2


A is correct.

Statement 1 is correct because some of the methods used in the fourth step of ML model building (data/text exploration) are different for structured and unstructured data, and for both structured and unstructured data, the exploration step encompasses feature selection and feature engineering.

Statement 2 is incorrect because Rivera described the text preparation and wrangling step, not the text curation step. The data (text) curation step involves gathering relevant external text data via web services or programs that extract raw content from a source.

B and C are incorrect because Statement 2 is incorrect.

考点:Steps in a Data Analysis Project

curation step 什么意思

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年09月22日



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NO.PZ2021083101000010 问题如下 Rivera makes the following statements: Statement 1 Some of the metho usein the exploration step are fferent for structureanunstructuretbut for both types of tthe step involves feature selection anfeature engineering. Statement 2 A major fferenwhen veloping a text-baseML mol is the curation step, whiinvolves cleansing, preprocessing, anconverting the ta into a structureformusable for mol training.Whiof Rivera’s statements about fferences in ML mol builng steps is correct? A.Only Statement 1 B.Only Statement 2 C.Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 A is correct. Statement 1 is correbecause some of the metho usein the fourth step of ML mol builng (ta/text exploration) are fferent for structureanunstructuretanfor both structureanunstructuretthe exploration step encompasses feature selection anfeature engineering. Statement 2 is incorrebecause Rivera scribethe text preparation anwrangling step, not the text curation step. The ta (text) curation step involves gathering relevant externtext ta via web services or programs thextrarcontent from a source. B anC are incorrebecause Statement 2 is incorrect. 考点Steps in a ta Analysis Proje the curation step 是什么意思?谢谢~

2023-06-03 20:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021083101000010问题如下 Rivera makes the following statements: Statement 1 Some of the metho usein the exploration step are fferent for structureanunstructuretbut for both types of tthe step involves feature selection anfeature engineering. Statement 2 A major fferenwhen veloping a text-baseML mol is the curation step, whiinvolves cleansing, preprocessing, anconverting the ta into a structureformusable for mol training.Whiof Rivera’s statements about fferences in ML mol builng steps is correct? A.Only Statement 1B.Only Statement 2C.Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 A is correct. Statement 1 is correbecause some of the metho usein the fourth step of ML mol builng (ta/text exploration) are fferent for structureanunstructuretanfor both structureanunstructuretthe exploration step encompasses feature selection anfeature engineering. Statement 2 is incorrebecause Rivera scribethe text preparation anwrangling step, not the text curation step. The ta (text) curation step involves gathering relevant externtext ta via web services or programs thextrarcontent from a source. B anC are incorrebecause Statement 2 is incorrect. 考点Steps in a ta Analysis Proje这道题,不想基础部分拿不到分 谢谢

2022-06-19 15:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021083101000010 Only Statement 2 Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 A is correct. Statement 1 is correbecause some of the metho usein the fourth step of ML mol builng (ta/text exploration) are fferent for structureanunstructuretanfor both structureanunstructuretthe exploration step encompasses feature selection anfeature engineering. Statement 2 is incorrebecause Rivera scribethe text preparation anwrangling step, not the text curation step. The ta (text) curation step involves gathering relevant externtext ta via web services or programs thextrarcontent from a source. B anC are incorrebecause Statement 2 is incorrect. 考点Steps in a ta Analysis Projetext curation step主要有什么?

2022-02-05 07:13 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021083101000010 没有看懂statement2为什么错了?

2021-12-29 10:06 1 · 回答