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PEI · 2022年09月20日

为什么 no effective capacity constraints?

1      C is correct. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.

Statement 1 is correct because, similar to a long-only portfolio, a long–short portfolio can be structured to have a gross exposure of 100%. Gross exposure of the portfolio is calculated as the sum of the long positions and the absolute value of the short positions, expressed as percentages of the portfolio’s capital.

Gross exposure = Long positions + |Short positions|

Gross exposure long-only portfolio = 100% (Long positions) + 0% (Short positions) = 100%

Gross exposure long–short portfolio = 50% (Long positions) + |−50%| (Short positions) = 100%

Statement 2 is correct because long-only investing generally offers greater investment capacity than other approaches, particularly when using strategies that focus on large-cap stocks. For large institutional investors such as pension plans, there are no effective capacity constraints in terms of the total market cap available for long-only investing.

这是equity最后一个case 14题的答案,请问【For large institutional investors such as pension plans, there are no effective capacity constraints in terms of the total market cap available for long-only investing.】这句话如何理解

为什么 no effective capacity constraints?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年09月21日


Hello,亲爱的同学。这是Long -short部分的知识点。


例如一个必须保持30%short比例的long - short策略,它的容量是受限制的,因为一旦规模大了,它就很难找到足够多的可以做空的股票,无法保持策略要求的30%做空比例。

而做多是比较容易的,相对做空,限制较少。因此long -only策略的容量会比较大。

关于这部分知识点,基础讲义有一章讲到投资容量(investment capacity),同学需要记忆一下这页讲义的结论。


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