发亮_品职助教 · 2018年04月13日
Embedded option的value计算,是二级Fixed-income比较重要的一个部分。这里我先大体讲一下怎么求解。之前还有其他同学问了相关的题,后面我会附上链接。这个东西需要反复体会理解,如果还有生疏,多看看视频,也可以多问问题,多交流交流。
但对于一个含权债券能不能这么折现呢?这里得要看embedded option是否被行权。同样的5年期按年支付利息的callable bond,(假设这个callable bond每年年末都可以以本金赎回)。如果第二年这个债券就被发行人赎回了,那么根本就不会存在后面的三笔利息支付,被赎回的这个债券只有第一年、第二年的利息,以及第二年赎回的本金。此时再用传统的现金流折现折5期利息和本金,对于用含权债券就不行了,因为未来的现金流是不确定的。
因此再求含权债券的现值时,判断每年年末,债券被行权是关键。而判断债券是否被行权,要判断每年年末,债券当时的价值是否会触发行权价是关键。我们知道,债券的价格是受到利率影响的,而每年年末都可以行使权利,所以每年年末到下一年的forward rate又是求含权债券的关键。我们以callable bond为例,只有callable bond在每年年末那个节点的价值,大于了call price,债券发行人才会以行权价赎回债券。
站在0时刻这个时间点,我们可以知道未来每一年的未来一年forward rate(第一年开始未来一年的利率,第二年开始未来一年的利率,第三年开始未来一年的利率等等)。
我们先从债券到期的最后一笔现金流开始,(本金+最后一笔利息),然后用对应的forward rate,将这笔现金流折到前面一年的年末,看看在前面一年年末这个节点,折现值是否会触发行权价。因为只有触发行权价后,含权债券才会改变现金流,不触发的话他仍然是普通债券。如果前一年年末没有触发行权价,那他还是普通债券,我们继续往前折一期,再对比是否行权。如果这一次债券行权了,那么这年年末的现金流就变成了:赎回行权价 + 本期利息,即本金+本期利息。这年年末因为行权,现金流直接变成了:本金+利息。所以,我们以本金+利息继续往前面折现,如果还有行权再调整一次价值,直至折到现在时刻。
本题与常见的含权债券求价值的方法基本思路都是一样的。只不过,本题的每年的forward rate都是100%确定的。而常见的含权债券求价值题目,一般会给利率二叉树,因为他认为未来每期的forward rate会有两种情况,各有一定的概率。我们在求每期bond的value时,考虑进去概率加权就好了。
知道了含权债券的价值,我们还要求出不含权债券的价值,那么embedded option的价值自然可求。
NO.PZ201712110200000304 问题如下 Baseon the information in Exhibit 1 anExhibit 2, the value of the embeeoption in Bon4 is closest to: A.nil. B.0.1906. C.0.8789. C is correct. Bon4 is a callable bon Value of issuer call option = Value of straight bon– Value of callable bon The value of the straight bonmcalculateusing the spot rates or the one-yeforwarrates.Value of option-free (straight) bonwith a 1.55% coupon using spot rates:1.55/(1.0100)1 + 1.55/(1.012012)2 + 101.55/(1.012515)3 = 100.8789.The value of a callable bon(par) with no call protection periocannot excee100, thprior higher the bonwoulcalle The value of the call option = 100.8789 – 100 = 0.8789. 这道题V-straight_bon一开始是用SPOT RATE,从第三期往前折算(二叉树方法,只是不用分叉计算),发现出来结果是101.1742和答案100.8788不一样。然后我用forwarrate算一次发现结果就是100.8788,由此联想到,请问二叉树中各期利率是不是forwarrate? 我一直理解为SPOT RATE
NO.PZ201712110200000304 问题如下 Baseon the information in Exhibit 1 anExhibit 2, the value of the embeeoption in Bon4 is closest to: A.nil. B.0.1906. C.0.8789. C is correct. Bon4 is a callable bon Value of issuer call option = Value of straight bon– Value of callable bon The value of the straight bonmcalculateusing the spot rates or the one-yeforwarrates.Value of option-free (straight) bonwith a 1.55% coupon using spot rates:1.55/(1.0100)1 + 1.55/(1.012012)2 + 101.55/(1.012515)3 = 100.8789.The value of a callable bon(par) with no call protection periocannot excee100, thprior higher the bonwoulcalle The value of the call option = 100.8789 – 100 = 0.8789. callable bon价格有上限,不能超过100,所以,callable bonvalue应该是100,这句话怎么理解呢
NO.PZ201712110200000304 问题如下 Baseon the information in Exhibit 1 anExhibit 2, the value of the embeeoption in Bon4 is closest to: A.nil. B.0.1906. C.0.8789. C is correct. Bon4 is a callable bon Value of issuer call option = Value of straight bon– Value of callable bon The value of the straight bonmcalculateusing the spot rates or the one-yeforwarrates.Value of option-free (straight) bonwith a 1.55% coupon using spot rates:1.55/(1.0100)1 + 1.55/(1.012012)2 + 101.55/(1.012515)3 = 100.8789.The value of a callable bon(par) with no call protection periocannot excee100, thprior higher the bonwoulcalle The value of the call option = 100.8789 – 100 = 0.8789. embeoption bon以不考虑路径,用forwarrate求价值吗。。。
NO.PZ201712110200000304 问题如下 Baseon the information in Exhibit 1 anExhibit 2, the value of the embeeoption in Bon4 is closest to: A.nil. B.0.1906. C.0.8789. C is correct. Bon4 is a callable bon Value of issuer call option = Value of straight bon– Value of callable bon The value of the straight bonmcalculateusing the spot rates or the one-yeforwarrates.Value of option-free (straight) bonwith a 1.55% coupon using spot rates:1.55/(1.0100)1 + 1.55/(1.012012)2 + 101.55/(1.012515)3 = 100.8789.The value of a callable bon(par) with no call protection periocannot excee100, thprior higher the bonwoulcalle The value of the call option = 100.8789 – 100 = 0.8789. 但是我的疑惑是每次折现用什么数据,答案这里是spot rate进行折现,我却用了额one-yeforwar行折现,就是每次不知道用哪个数字合理?
NO.PZ201712110200000304 问题如下 Baseon the information in Exhibit 1 anExhibit 2, the value of the embeeoption in Bon4 is closest to: A.nil. B.0.1906. C.0.8789. C is correct. Bon4 is a callable bon Value of issuer call option = Value of straight bon– Value of callable bon The value of the straight bonmcalculateusing the spot rates or the one-yeforwarrates.Value of option-free (straight) bonwith a 1.55% coupon using spot rates:1.55/(1.0100)1 + 1.55/(1.012012)2 + 101.55/(1.012515)3 = 100.8789.The value of a callable bon(par) with no call protection periocannot excee100, thprior higher the bonwoulcalle The value of the call option = 100.8789 – 100 = 0.8789. The value of a callable bon(par) with no call protection periocannot excee100, thprior higher the bonwoulcalle为什么不会是小于100呢?没有赎回时间限制的callable bon什么一定价值是100呢?