开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Captain America · 2022年09月11日

请问投资性房地产在IFRS下不能用revaluation modal?




A company that prepares its financial statements according to IFRS owns several investment properties on which it earns rental income. It values the properties using the fair value model based on prevailing rental markets. After two years of increases the market softened in 2014 and values decreased. A summary of the properties’ valuations is as follows:

Which of the following best describes the impact of the revaluation on the 2014 financial statements?


A.€4.5 million charge to revaluation surplus and €2.0 million charge to net income

B.€6.5 million charge to revaluation surplus

C.€6.5 million charge to net income



C is correct. For investment properties, when using the fair value model of valuing assets (as opposed to the revaluation model, which is not allowed by IFRS for investment properties), all increases and decreases affect net income.

A is incorrect. Under the fair value model of valuing assets, all increases and decreases go through net income. Had it been a regular type of PP&E, the increases above cost would have gone to revaluation surplus and hence the reversal of those amounts would have been from revaluation surplus; decreases below original cost go to net income.

B is incorrect. Under the fair value model of valuing assets, all increases and decreases go through net income.

请问投资性房地产在IFRS下不能用revaluation modal吗?

1 个答案

Kiko_品职助教 · 2022年09月12日




  • 普通固定资产可以用cost model或revaluation model
  • cost model就是用历史成本入账,然后再按使用年限折旧,定期减值测试
  • revaluation model是账面价值体现fair value,fair value涨跌分情况记入OCI或者I/S。没有减值没有折旧(因为价格的贬损或者升值都体现在fair value里了)。
  • investment property(投资性房地产,可以理解为固定资产的特殊类型)可以用cost model或fair value model
  • cost model同上
  • fair value model也是账面价值体现fair value,但与revaluation model的区别在于所有fair value的涨跌都记入I/S。


  • 没有investment property这个概念。
  • 固定资产也不允许用revaluation model。
