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JYJY · 2022年08月28日




Laubach states that that the board is interested in following a passive approach for some or all of the equity allocation. In addition, the board is open to approaches that could generate returns in excess of the benchmark for part of the equity allocation. McMahon suggests that the board consider following a passive factor-based momentum strategy for the allocation to international stocks.

Compared with broad-market-cap weighting, the international equity strategy suggested by McMahon is most likely to:



concentrate risk exposure


be based on the efficient market hypothesis


overweight stocks that recently experienced large price decreases


Compared with broad-market-cap weighting, passive factor-based strategies tend to concentrate risk exposure, leaving investors vulnerable during periods when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) is out of favor.

什么叫做out of factor

我叫仙人涨 · 2022年08月29日

leaving investors vulnerable during periods when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) is out of favor. 在市场震荡情况下, 用risk factor 方法是不受青睐的(out of favor),因为这个risk factor 方法容易让投资者容易受伤亏损 。比如momentum趋势,在市场动荡时候,不一定是哪个方向,万一猜错了,momentum会导致大亏

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年08月29日


Compared with broad-market-cap weighting, passive factor-based strategies tend to concentrate risk exposure, leaving investors vulnerable during periods when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) is out of favor.

out of favor就是表现不佳的意思

这里的意思是, passive factor-based strategies 会集中投资者于某些因子,比如集中投资于momentum因子。

当momentum因子表现不好的时候(out of favor),passive factor-based strategies的表现就会比broad market 要差,投资者就要承担这个风险。

举个例子吧,比如投资者认为value 因子要比growth因子好,因此大量投资value因子,也就是低估值的股票,portfolio里100%的股票都是低估值。

但是此时,市场风格是,成长股走势更强,价值股走势更弱,而broad market index是比较均衡的,成长股和价值股各一半。

由于成长股表现比价值股强,而投资者大量投资了表现较差的价值股,就会导致价值这个因子表现不佳(out of favor),从而投资者的factor-based strategies 的收益表现,差于broad market index。


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NO.PZ2019012201000046问题如下 Laubastates ththe boaris interestein following a passive approafor some or all of theequity allocation. In aition, the boaris open to approaches thcoulenerate returns in excess of the benchmark for part of the equity allocation.McMahon suggests ththe boarconsir following a passive factor-baseomentum strategy for the allocation to internationstocks.Compareith broamarket-cweighting, the internationequity strategy suggestebyMcMahon is most likely to A.concentrate risk exposure B.baseon the efficient market hypothesis C.overweight stocks threcently experiencearge pricreases Comparewith broamarket-cweighting,passive factor-basestrategies tento concentrate risk exposure, leavinginvestors vulnerable ring perio when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) isout of favor. 上面两道题目,关于tracking error 是不是有点冲突。5.1题说的是当n的数量越多时,tracking error 越大,但如果用这个逻辑去做5.2题时,那manager B的n=504,n最大,不应该tracking error比C大吗?然而5.2李老师说的是从portfolio与benchmark像不像的角度出发,我已经晕了

2024-07-26 15:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000046 问题如下 Laubastates ththe boaris interestein following a passive approafor some or all of theequity allocation. In aition, the boaris open to approaches thcoulenerate returns in excess of the benchmark for part of the equity allocation.McMahon suggests ththe boarconsir following a passive factor-baseomentum strategy for the allocation to internationstocks.Compareith broamarket-cweighting, the internationequity strategy suggestebyMcMahon is most likely to A.concentrate risk exposure B.baseon the efficient market hypothesis C.overweight stocks threcently experiencearge pricreases Comparewith broamarket-cweighting,passive factor-basestrategies tento concentrate risk exposure, leavinginvestors vulnerable ring perio when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) isout of favor. 1)题目问的是相较于市值加权,追涨杀跌动量策略的特点吧?2)C不对是因为动量策略买入上涨的股票卖出下跌的股票,应该是overweight stocks threcently experiencelarge Priincreases, 对么?3)funmentally weightestrategies 策略是买入低估股票,卖出高估股票。overweight stocks threcently experiencelarge Pricrease,对么?

2024-04-07 10:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000046问题如下 Laubastates ththe boaris interestein following a passive approafor some or all of theequity allocation. In aition, the boaris open to approaches thcoulenerate returns in excess of the benchmark for part of the equity allocation.McMahon suggests ththe boarconsir following a passive factor-baseomentum strategy for the allocation to internationstocks.Compareith broamarket-cweighting, the internationequity strategy suggestebyMcMahon is most likely to A.concentrate risk exposure B.baseon the efficient market hypothesis C.overweight stocks threcently experiencearge pricreases Comparewith broamarket-cweighting,passive factor-basestrategies tento concentrate risk exposure, leavinginvestors vulnerable ring perio when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) isout of favor. passive 投资不是就是假设市场是有效的吗

2023-11-19 19:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000046 问题如下 Laubastates ththatthe boaris interestein following a passive approafor some or all of theequity allocation. In aition, the boaris open to approaches thcoulenerate returns in excess of the benchmark for part of the equity allocation.McMahon suggests ththe boarconsir following a passive factor-baseomentum strategy for the allocation to internationstocks.Compareith broamarket-cweighting, the internationequity strategy suggestebyMcMahon is most likely to A.concentrate risk exposure B.baseon the efficient market hypothesis C.overweight stocks threcently experiencearge pricreases Comparewith broamarket-cweighting,passive factor-basestrategies tento concentrate risk exposure, leavinginvestors vulnerable ring perio when the risk factor (e.g., momentum) isout of favor. 为什么会选A?记得老师上课说过,传统的MVO方法可能会风险集中,factor base以解决这个问题,更分散化

2022-08-11 10:35 2 · 回答