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moon · 2022年08月22日

老师,如何从broker给它的价格更优惠,就能判断是违反了Standard III(A)?



Anderb, a portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company—a registered investment organization that advises investment firms and private accounts—was promoted to that position three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anderb’s portfolio account transactions and her required monthly reports of personal stock transactions. Anderb has been using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in which Jonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli has been giving Anderb lower prices for personal purchases and higher prices for personal sales than Jonelli gives to Anderb’s portfolio accounts and other investors. Anderb has been filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in which she has no personal transactions, which is about every fourth month. Which of the following is most likely to be a violation of the Code and Standards?



Anderb failed to disclose to her employer her personal transactions.


Anderb owned the same securities as those of her clients.


Bates allowed Anderb to use Jonelli as her broker for personal trades.


A is correct.

This question involves three of the Standards. Anderb, the portfolio manager, has been obtaining more favorable prices for her personal securities transactions than she gets for her clients, which is a breach of Standard III(A) –Loyalty, Prudence, and Care. In addition, she violated Standard I(D) –Misconduct by failing to adhere to company policy and by hiding her personal transactions from her firm. Anderb’s supervisor, Bates, violated Standard IV(C) –Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company had requirements for reporting personal trading, Bates failed to adequately enforce those requirements. Answer B does not represent a violation because Standard VI(B) –Priority of Transactions requires that personal trading in a security be conducted after the trading in that security of clients and the employer. The Code and Standards do not prohibit owning such investments, although firms may establish policies that limit the investment opportunities of members and candidates. Answer C does not represent a violation because the Code and Standards do not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personal accounts that they use for their client accounts. This arrangement should be disclosed to the employer so that the employer may determine whether a conflict of interest exists.

【Anderb, the portfolio manager, has been obtaining more favorable prices for her personal securities transactions than she gets for her clients, which is a breach of Standard III(A) –Loyalty, Prudence, and Care. 】

老师,如何从broker给它的价格更优惠,就能判断是违反了Standard III(A)?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2022年08月22日



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NO.PZ2016040303000017问题如下 Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company—a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts—wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr?A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions.B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients.C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras.A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists.rt买价比较高,卖价比较低,这里有违反吗?

2024-07-31 18:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000017 问题如下 Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company—a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts—wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr? A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions. B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients. C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras. A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists. ”Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions“首先,ethic 不禁止员工自己交易股票;其次,按照AMC要求员工每季度批露transaction,每年批露holng该题关键词是“monthly report”,所以不批露也不违反啊。所以我觉得C更正确,雇主违反了responsibility of supervisor

2022-08-23 20:08 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000017 问题如下 Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company—a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts—wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr? A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions. B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients. C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras. A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists. 不是报告给雇主他的持仓了吗?为什么还是违反了?

2022-05-28 20:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000017问题如下Anra portfolio manager for XYZ Investment Management Company—a registereinvestment organization thaises investment firms anprivate accounts—wpromoteto thposition three years ago. Bates, her supervisor, is responsible for reviewing Anrb’s portfolio account transactions anher requiremonthly reports of personstotransactions. Anrb hbeen using Jonelli, a broker, almost exclusively for brokerage transactions for the portfolio account. For securities in whiJonelli’s firm makes a market, Jonelli hbeen giving Anrb lower prices for personpurchases anhigher prices for personsales thJonelli gives to Anrb’s portfolio accounts another investors. Anrb hbeen filing monthly reports with Bates only for those months in whishe hno persontransactions, whiis about every fourth month. Whiof the following is most likely to a violation of the Co anStanr? A.Anrb faileto sclose to her employer her persontransactions. B.Anrb ownethe same securities those of her clients. C.Bates alloweAnrb to use Jonelli her broker for persontras. A is correct.This question involves three of the Stanr. Anrthe portfolio manager, hbeen obtaining more favorable prices for her personsecurities transactions thshe gets for her clients, whiis a breaof StanrIII(–Loyalty, Prunce, anCare. In aition, she violateStanrI( –Misconfailing to aere to company polianhing her persontransactions from her firm. Anrb’s supervisor, Bates, violateStanrIV(–Responsibilities of Supervisors; although the company hrequirements for reporting persontrang, Bates faileto aquately enforthose requirements. Answer B es not represent a violation because StanrVI(–Priority of Transactions requires thpersontrang in a security concteafter the trang in thsecurity of clients anthe employer. The Co anStanr not prohibit owning suinvestments, although firms mestablish policies thlimit the investment opportunities of members ancantes. Answer C es not represent a violation because the Co anStanr not contain a prohibition against employees using the same broker for their personaccounts ththey use for their client accounts. This arrangement shoulscloseto the employer so ththe employer mtermine whether a confliof interest exists.为什么不是C?

2022-04-14 23:19 1 · 回答