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CFApipa · 2022年08月21日

老师为什么financial leverage这里是total asset/equity,难道不是total debt/equity?还有就是debt ratio和debt to equity ratio有什么区别吗?

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Based on Exhibit 1, which statement is most likely correct?



Company A has below-average liquidity risk.


Company B has above-average solvency risk.


Company A has made one or more acquisitions.


C is correct.

The presence of goodwill on Company A’s balance sheet signifies that it has made one or more acquisitions in the past. The current, cash, and quick ratios are lower for Company A than for the sector average. These lower liquidity ratios imply above-average liquidity risk. The total debt, long-term debt-to-equity, debt-to-equity, and financial leverage ratios are lower for Company B than for the sector average. These lower solvency ratios imply below-average solvency risk.

Current ratio is (35/35) = 1.00 for Company A, versus (48/28) = 1.71 for the sector average.

Cash ratio is (5 + 5)/35 = 0.29 for Company A, versus (7 + 2)/28 = 0.32 for the sector average.

Quick ratio is (5 + 5 + 5)/35 = 0.43 for Company A, versus (7 + 2 + 12)/28 = 0.75 for the sector average.

Total debt ratio is (55/100) = 0.55 for Company B, versus (63/100) = 0.63 for the sector average.

Long-term debt-to-equity ratio is (20/45) = 0.44 for Company B, versus (28/37) = 0.76 for the sector average.

Debt-to-equity ratio is (55/45) = 1.22 for Company B, versus (63/37) = 1.70 for the sector average.

Financial leverage ratio is (100/45) = 2.22 for Company B, versus (100/37) = 2.70 for the sector average.




老师为什么financial leverage这里是total asset/equity,难道不是total debt/equity?还有就是debt ratio和debt to equity ratio有什么区别吗?

1 个答案

Kiko_品职助教 · 2022年08月21日


financial leverage的公式就是这规定的。就是用total asset/equity,这个需要记忆一下。

debt to equity是debt ratio的一种。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 278


NO.PZ201710290100008801 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whistatement is most likely correct? A.Company A hbelow-average liquity risk. B.Company B habove-average solvenrisk. C.Company A hma one or more acquisitions. C is correct. The presenof gooill on Company A’s balansheet signifies thit hma one or more acquisitions in the past. The current, cash, anquiratios are lower for Company A thfor the sector average. These lower liquity ratios imply above-average liquity risk. The totbt, long-term bt-to-equity, bt-to-equity, anfinancileverage ratios are lower for Company B thfor the sector average. These lower solvenratios imply below-average solvenrisk.Current ratio is (35/35) = 1.00 for Company versus (48/28) = 1.71 for the sector average.Cash ratio is (5 + 5)/35 = 0.29 for Company versus (7 + 2)/28 = 0.32 for the sector average.Quiratio is (5 + 5 + 5)/35 = 0.43 for Company versus (7 + 2 + 12)/28 = 0.75 for the sector average.Totratio is (55/100) = 0.55 for Company versus (63/100) = 0.63 for the sector average.Long-term bt-to-equity ratio is (20/45) = 0.44 for Company versus (28/37) = 0.76 for the sector average.bt-to-equity ratio is (55/45) = 1.22 for Company versus (63/37) = 1.70 for the sector average.Financileverage ratio is (100/45) = 2.22 for Company versus (100/37) = 2.70 for the sector average.A公司流动指标都比average低,说明其流动性不好,risk更高,A错误。B公司的偿债指标都看起来比average好,说明偿债能力高于平均,risk更低,B错误。A公司账上有gooill,说明其过去曾经进行过并购。gooill是并购行为的产物,当买方出价高于被并购公司的公允价值时,说明买方对其支付了一个溢价,这个溢价是买方对被并购公司未来发展的一个“美好的愿望”,这个溢价会形成gooill。 如题,谢谢

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