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CFApipa · 2022年08月21日

麻烦老师可以推导一下“Financial leverage可以通过分解ROE得到,ROE=ROA* leverage”吗?



An analyst compiles the following data for a company:

Based only on the information above, the most appropriate conclusion is that, over the period FY13 to FY15, the company’s:



net profit margin and financial leverage have decreased.


net profit margin and financial leverage have increased.


net profit margin has decreased but its financial leverage has increased.


C  is correct.

The company’s net profit margin has decreased and its financial leverage has increased. ROA = Net profit margin × Total asset turnover. ROA decreased over the period despite the increase in total asset turnover; therefore, the net profit margin must have decreased. ROE = Return on assets × Financial leverage. ROE increased over the period despite the drop in ROA; therefore, financial leverage must have increased.

解析:net profit margin=NI/revenue,从题目中找不到直接信息,但是可以分解ROA得到:ROA=(NI/revenue)*(revenue/asset),revenue/asset就是题目给的asset turnover,可以求出三年的net profit margin,从FY13到FY15分别是4.05、4和3.76,可以看出该比率在下降。Financial leverage可以通过分解ROE得到,ROE=ROA* leverage,ROA是下降的而ROE是上升的,所以leverage肯定是上升的。

Financial Leverage难道不是一下这个公式?怎样得出ROE/ROA=leverage的呀?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2022年08月21日


同学你好,financial leverage有很多公式哦:A/E, D/E都可以表示financial leverage哦,都可以表示公司的股东面临多大的风险

ROA = NI/asset ROE = NI/ equity

所以ROE/ROA = NI/equity * asset/NI = asset/equity = A/E


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NO.PZ2016012101000129 问题如下 analyst compiles the following ta for a company:Baseonly on the information above, the most appropriate conclusion is that, over the perioFY13 to FY15, the company’s: A.net profit margin anfinancileverage have crease B.net profit margin anfinancileverage have increase C.net profit margin hcreasebut its financileverage hincrease is correct.The company’s net profit margin hcreaseanits financileverage hincrease ROA = Net profit margin × Totasset turnover. ROA creaseover the periospite the increase in totasset turnover; therefore, the net profit margin must have crease ROE = Return on assets × Financileverage. ROE increaseover the periospite the op in ROtherefore, financileverage must have increase解析net profit margin=NI/revenue,从题目中找不到直接信息,但是可以分解ROA得到ROA=(NI/revenue)*(revenue/asset),revenue/asset就是题目给的asset turnover,可以求出三年的net profit margin,从FY13到FY15分别是4.05、4和3.76,可以看出该比率在下降。Financileverage可以通过分解ROE得到,ROE=ROleverage,ROA是下降的而ROE是上升的,所以leverage肯定是上升的。 都没有反应过来,写ROA不行吗还是说两者还是有区别

2022-09-04 16:39 1 · 回答

为什么ROA=ROE*leverge? 谢谢

2020-08-28 22:45 1 · 回答

    不是很理解,解析里ROA和net profit margin都是未知数,为什么说尽管totasset turn over上升net profit margin仍下降呢?是否可以将解题思路,公式及带入数字的解题过程罗列一些,麻烦了

2018-09-01 12:38 2 · 回答