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卿卿 · 2018年04月06日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015122802000016 [ CFA I ]








1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2018年04月07日

A ETF背后没有任何资产支持。这是错的,持有ETF份额代表你享有基金资产的所有权。

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NO.PZ2015122802000016问题如下 Whiof the following statements about exchange-trafun is most correct?A.Exchange-trafun are not backeany assets.B.The investment companies thcreate exchange-trafun are financiintermearies.C.The transaction costs of trang shares of exchange-trafun are substantially greater ththe combinecosts of trang the unrlying assets of the fun is correct.The investment companies thcreate exchange-trafun (ETFs) are financiintermearies. ETFs are securities threpresent ownership in the assets helthe fun The transaction costs of trang shares of ETFs are substantially lower ththe combinecosts of trang the unrlying assets of the ETF.考点金融资产的分类题目问下列关于ETF的说法正确的是?A ETF背后没有任何资产支持。这是错的,持有ETF份额代表你享有基金资产的所有权。B 基金公司是金融市场众多参与者之一。这个完全正确,除了基金公司以外,金融市场的参与者还包括商业银行、投资银行、经纪商、交易所、对冲基金、保险公司等等。C 买ETF的交易成本显著高于你单独买ETF里的成分股票。这个明显错了,买卖指数基金(相当于一次性交易一篮子证券)的交易成本肯定比一只一只的买卖指数中包括证券的交易成本要低。交易成本是按次收取的。C说反了。 backeby怎么理解呢,记得固收产品相关题目backe解是有担保品的意思,这题是说有一篮子资产的支持。请问是我混淆了概念吗。

2023-10-26 09:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122802000016 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about exchange-trafun is most correct? A.Exchange-trafun are not backeany assets. B.The investment companies thcreate exchange-trafun are financiintermearies. C.The transaction costs of trang shares of exchange-trafun are substantially greater ththe combinecosts of trang the unrlying assets of the fun is correct.The investment companies thcreate exchange-trafun (ETFs) are financiintermearies. ETFs are securities threpresent ownership in the assets helthe fun The transaction costs of trang shares of ETFs are substantially lower ththe combinecosts of trang the unrlying assets of the ETF.考点金融资产的分类题目问下列关于ETF的说法正确的是?A ETF背后没有任何资产支持。这是错的,持有ETF份额代表你享有基金资产的所有权。B 基金公司是金融市场众多参与者之一。这个完全正确,除了基金公司以外,金融市场的参与者还包括商业银行、投资银行、经纪商、交易所、对冲基金、保险公司等等。C 买ETF的交易成本显著高于你单独买ETF里的成分股票。这个明显错了,买卖指数基金(相当于一次性交易一篮子证券)的交易成本肯定比一只一只的买卖指数中包括证券的交易成本要低。交易成本是按次收取的。C说反了。 如题

2022-04-23 16:34 1 · 回答


2020-03-16 11:30 1 · 回答

The investment companies thcreate exchange-trafun are financiintermearies. The transaction costs of trang shares of exchange-trafun are substantially greater ththe combinecosts of trang the unrlying assets of the fun B  is correct. The investment companies thcreate exchange-trafun (ETFs) are financiintermearies. ETFs are securities threpresent ownership in the assets helthe fun The transaction costs of trang shares of ETFs are substantially lower ththe combinecosts of trang the unrlying assets of the ETF.可以翻译一下C吗?没看明白C表达的是什么。

2020-03-04 23:04 1 · 回答


2019-10-19 08:52 1 · 回答