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succi_z · 2022年08月17日

hurdle rate不是都以期初投资initial capital为基数吗?



A hedge fund has the following fee structure:

  • Annual management fee based on year-end AUM:2%
  • Incentive fee:20%
  • Hurdle rate before incentive fee collection starts:4%
  • Current high-water mark:$610 million

The fund has a value of $580 million at the beginning of the year. After one year, it has a value of $650 million before fees. The net percentage return to an investor for this year is closest to:


A. 8.45%



C. 9.74%


管理费 = $650 × 2% = $13 m

由于该基金$650 m的期末总价值超过了$610 m的高水位线,基金管理人可以对高于该高水位线但扣除门槛回报率的收益部分,计算奖励费。奖励费计算如下:

{$650 − [$610 × (1 + 0.04)]} × 0.20 = $3.12 m

投资者净回报:[($650 − $13 − $3.12)/$580] − 1 ≈ 9.29%

老师,您好,几个问题: 1. Hurdle rate不是都以期初投资initial investment为基数计算的吗?那这题是不是应该580*(1+4%)=603.2<610(high water Mark),即以610为基数计算incentive,(650-610)*20%=8? 2. Alternatives讲义127页,李老师有讲过类似的题,如果提干net of management fee换成calculated independently,则360>357(high water mark),那么incentive就是(360-357)*20%=0.6。 这两题不一样吗?为什么后者高水位357就不用*5%hurdle rate?前者高水位610要*4%hurdle rate?
2 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年08月19日




Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年08月17日


既有水位线,又有hurdle rate要求,判断能否拿绩效奖时,两者都要满足,即:

年底AUM-管理费=年底净值,既要大于之前的高水位线(不用乘以1+hurdle rate),也要大于年初AUM*(1+hurdle rate),这个步骤是判断能不能拿绩效奖。一般题目给出的情况都是hurdle rate容易满足,高水位线不容易满足,即出现hurdle rate达到要求,但是高水位线没达到达到,因此不能拿到绩效奖的情况。

 而具体计算绩效奖,在既有水位线,又有hurdle rate要求时,绩效奖的计算基础是以高水位线为起点,到年底净值(AUM)之间部分,是按照超过高水位*(1+hurdle rate)作为基础来计算。


succi_z · 2022年08月18日

那Alternatives的课件中,对应讲义127页的那个章节,即例题篇,1.5倍速22分55秒,那个既有hurdle rate又有high water mark的,李老师为什么说if independently,则incentive就是(360-357)*20%呢?为什么357不再*(1+5%)呢?

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NO.PZ2021103102000051 问题如下 A hee funhthe following feestructure: Annumanagement fee baseon year-enAUM2% Incentive fee20% Hure rate before incentive fee collection starts4% Current high-water mark$610 millionThe funha value of $580 million thebeginning of the year. After one year, it ha value of $650 million beforefees. The net percentage return to investor for this yeis closest to: A.8.45% B.9.29% C.9.74% 管理费 = $650 × 2% = $13 m由于该基金$650 m的期末总价值超过了$610 m的高水位线,基金管理人可以对高于该高水位线但扣除门槛回报率的收益部分,计算奖励费。奖励费计算如下:{$650 − [$610 × (1 + 0.04)]} × 0.20 = $3.12 m 投资者净回报[($650 − $13 − $3.12)/$580] − 1 ≈ 9.29% 首先判断能否拿绩效奖,就是判断有没有超过610和580*1.04对吧?因为这个地方高水位610 580*1.04,所以就采用610,但是后面计算的时候为什么还要计算610*1.04呢,这个hure rate难道不是基于年初初始金额580定的吗?如果我年初的初始投资是600,600*1.04是大于高水位610的,那我后面计算还需要610*1.04*1.04吗,如果不用的话这个定义就挺歧义的?

2024-08-16 10:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021103102000051 问题如下 A hee funhthe following feestructure: Annumanagement fee baseon year-enAUM2% Incentive fee20% Hure rate before incentive fee collection starts4% Current high-water mark$610 millionThe funha value of $580 million thebeginning of the year. After one year, it ha value of $650 million beforefees. The net percentage return to investor for this yeis closest to: A.8.45% B.9.29% C.9.74% 管理费 = $650 × 2% = $13 m由于该基金$650 m的期末总价值超过了$610 m的高水位线,基金管理人可以对高于该高水位线但扣除门槛回报率的收益部分,计算奖励费。奖励费计算如下:{$650 − [$610 × (1 + 0.04)]} × 0.20 = $3.12 m 投资者净回报[($650 − $13 − $3.12)/$580] − 1 ≈ 9.29% 之前有一道题目的解析,是按照现在的价格也就是580的算的。(也就是我上一个提问)请老师们确定一下到底用的是哪个上浮,我的理解是在high water高位水线上浮hure如果我的理解是对的话,另外提一个问题,就是从high water上浮的hure,如果花了3年才重新回到highwater以上的话,莫非这个hure的5%得要 (1+0.05)^3 ?

2024-03-06 22:10 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021103102000051问题如下 A hee funhthe following feestructure: Annumanagement fee baseon year-enAUM2% Incentive fee20% Hure rate before incentive fee collection starts4% Current high-water mark$610 millionThe funha value of $580 million thebeginning of the year. After one year, it ha value of $650 million beforefees. The net percentage return to investor for this yeis closest to: A.8.45%B.9.29%C.9.74% 管理费 = $650 × 2% = $13 m由于该基金$650 m的期末总价值超过了$610 m的高水位线,基金管理人可以对高于该高水位线但扣除门槛回报率的收益部分,计算奖励费。奖励费计算如下:{$650 − [$610 × (1 + 0.04)]} × 0.20 = $3.12 m 投资者净回报[($650 − $13 − $3.12)/$580] − 1 ≈ 9.29% 为什么610要×1.04没有理解

2023-08-29 12:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021103102000051 问题如下 A hee funhthe following feestructure: Annumanagement fee baseon year-enAUM2% Incentive fee20% Hure rate before incentive fee collection starts4% Current high-water mark$610 millionThe funha value of $580 million thebeginning of the year. After one year, it ha value of $650 million beforefees. The net percentage return to investor for this yeis closest to: A.8.45% B.9.29% C.9.74% 管理费 = $650 × 2% = $13 m由于该基金$650 m的期末总价值超过了$610 m的高水位线,基金管理人可以对高于该高水位线但扣除门槛回报率的收益部分,计算奖励费。奖励费计算如下:{$650 − [$610 × (1 + 0.04)]} × 0.20 = $3.12 m 投资者净回报[($650 − $13 − $3.12)/$580] − 1 ≈ 9.29% 老师您好,没有说明管理费和绩效奖是否inpennt,不是要求一律按照独立计算吗?我记得老师上课时候有提到过,如果题目中没有明确说明 ,则按照独立计算。

2023-08-13 22:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021103102000051 问题如下 A hee funhthe following feestructure: Annumanagement fee baseon year-enAUM2% Incentive fee20% Hure rate before incentive fee collection starts4% Current high-water mark$610 millionThe funha value of $580 million thebeginning of the year. After one year, it ha value of $650 million beforefees. The net percentage return to investor for this yeis closest to: A.8.45% B.9.29% C.9.74% 管理费 = $650 × 2% = $13 m由于该基金$650 m的期末总价值超过了$610 m的高水位线,基金管理人可以对高于该高水位线但扣除门槛回报率的收益部分,计算奖励费。奖励费计算如下:{$650 − [$610 × (1 + 0.04)]} × 0.20 = $3.12 m 投资者净回报[($650 − $13 − $3.12)/$580] − 1 ≈ 9.29% 计算绩效的时候超过hure rate的部分为什么不是先减去管理费,而是在最后算总收益的时候结算,比如【650-13-610*(1+4%)】*0.02,他也没说管理费是单独计算的吧

2023-04-28 11:30 1 · 回答