请比较B项和C项 .
NO.PZ201712110200000201 有没有什么巧劲可以记住这两个概念的呢?
老师好 这题是否aitivity arbitrage (payoff 一样,比较price) 也可以有? 就是用 (1100/525)*500-1000=47? 如果不可以,为什么不可以? 谢谢。
available baseon the minanprinciple. available baseon the value aitivity principle. B is correct. Baseon the minanprinciple, arbitrage opportunity exists. The minanprinciple asserts tha financiasset with a risk-free payoff in the future must have a positive pritoy. Because Asset A anAsset B are both risk-free assets, they shoulhave the same scount rate. Relative to its payoff, Asset A is price$500/525, or 0.95238, anAsset B is price$1,000/1,100, or 0.90909. Given its higher impliescount rate(10%) anlower corresponng price, Asset B is cherelative to Asset whiha lower impliescount rate (5%) anhigher corresponng price. The arbitrage opportunity baseon minanis to sell two units of Asset A for $1,000 anbuy one unit of Asset There is no cash outltoy, anin one year, the portfolio livers a net cash inflow of $50 [= $1,100 – (2 ×$525)]. 原版书答案解析的第一段话是什么意思呢?折现率 哪个大哪个小?
请问 minanprinciple 和 value aictivity principle 是在哪里提到过?谢谢
请问这道题的考点是哪个?minanprinciple 跟 value aitivity principle 分别是什么?在讲义上有吗?看到题目和的我 一头雾水。。。