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CR7 · 2022年08月05日




T-vision Inc, complies with US GAAP, the company has been expanding by acquiring other internet company, its largest acquisition, that of Heat internet company. T-vision Inc is currently forming a 50/50 joint venture with Alfa company under which the companies will share control of Heat internet company. T-vision plans to use the equity method to account for the joint venture. Alfa company complies with IFRS and will use the proportionate consolidation method to account for the joint venture.

Fabian, CFA, work on the Equity investment company, he has estimated the joint venture’s financial information for 2012. Fabian is preparing his estimates of each company’s earnings and financial performance. This information is presented in following table:

Based on Fabian’s estimates, the amount of Heat internet company net income include on the consolidated financial statement will most likely be:



higher for T-vision.


higher for Alfa.


the same for both T-vision and Alfa.


C is correct.



计量joint venture既可以用equity method,也可以用proportionate consolidation 。

所以这道题其实是在对比equity method和proportionate consolidation的NI,有一个重要的结论就是NI在两种方法下一样。

equity method是share results,被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。

proportionate consolidation,按比例合并被投资公司的NI,因此结果也是被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。

请问合营企业 GAAP和IFRS 各可以用什么方法核算?权益法还是部分合并法?

控制企业GAAP和IFRS 各可以用什么商誉法,部分商誉还是全部商誉?麻烦老师区分下,谢谢啦

1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2022年08月05日


1.合营企业是指由两家或两家以上的参与方共同控制的企业。国际财务报告准则和美国通用会计准则都要求对合营企业的权益性投资采用权益法进行后续计量,具体原则与对联营企业权益性投资的会计处理相似。在某些非常特殊的情形下,国际财务报告准则和美国通用会计准则还允许对合营企业进行比例合并(proportionate consolidation),即将合营企业的资产、负债、收入和费用按持股比例并入投资企业自身财务报表中进行会计核算。

2.在企业合并中,美国通用会计准则要求按照完全商誉法(full goodwill)进行会计处理;国际财务报告准则在此基础上,还允许部分商誉法(partial goodwill)的使用。


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NO.PZ2018111303000021 问题如下 T-vision Incomplies with US GAAP, the company hbeen expanng acquiring other internet company, its largest acquisition, thof Heinternet company. T-vision Inc is currently forming a 50/50 joint venture with Alfa company unr whithe companies will share control of Heinternet company. T-vision plans to use the equity methoto account for the joint venture. Alfa company complies with IFRS anwill use the proportionate consolition methoto account for the joint venture.Fabian, CFwork on the Equity investment company, he hestimatethe joint venture’s financiinformation for 2012. Fabiis preparing his estimates of eacompany’s earnings anfinanciperformance. This information is presentein following table:Baseon Fabian’s estimates, the amount of Heinternet company net income inclu on the consolitefinancistatement will most likely be: A.higher for T-vision. B.higher for Alf C.the same for both T-vision anAlf C is correct.考点不同的合并方法下的NI对比解析计量joint venture既可以用equity metho也可以用proportionate consolition 。所以这道题其实是在对比equity methoproportionate consolition的NI,有一个重要的结论就是NI在两种方法下一样。equity methoshare results,被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。proportionate consolition,按比例合并被投资公司的NI,因此结果也是被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。 具体是怎么合并的 JV中的一家公司又有自己的投资 所以两边公司的报表都是一模一样的吗?(A公司投资的ab公司各占c的50%)

2024-07-07 16:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111303000021 问题如下 T-vision Incomplies with US GAAP, the company hbeen expanng acquiring other internet company, its largest acquisition, thof Heinternet company. T-vision Inc is currently forming a 50/50 joint venture with Alfa company unr whithe companies will share control of Heinternet company. T-vision plans to use the equity methoto account for the joint venture. Alfa company complies with IFRS anwill use the proportionate consolition methoto account for the joint venture.Fabian, CFwork on the Equity investment company, he hestimatethe joint venture’s financiinformation for 2012. Fabiis preparing his estimates of eacompany’s earnings anfinanciperformance. This information is presentein following table:Baseon Fabian’s estimates, the amount of Heinternet company net income inclu on the consolitefinancistatement will most likely be: A.higher for T-vision. B.higher for Alf C.the same for both T-vision anAlf C is correct.考点不同的合并方法下的NI对比解析计量joint venture既可以用equity metho也可以用proportionate consolition 。所以这道题其实是在对比equity methoproportionate consolition的NI,有一个重要的结论就是NI在两种方法下一样。equity methoshare results,被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。proportionate consolition,按比例合并被投资公司的NI,因此结果也是被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。 题目中说一个用US GAAP一个用IFRS,所以这道题跟用那种会计方法没有关系吗?关键在于NI无论是consolition还是equity metho是partial都一样?

2024-03-13 13:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111303000021 问题如下 T-vision Incomplies with US GAAP, the company hbeen expanng acquiring other internet company, its largest acquisition, thof Heinternet company. T-vision Inc is currently forming a 50/50 joint venture with Alfa company unr whithe companies will share control of Heinternet company. T-vision plans to use the equity methoto account for the joint venture. Alfa company complies with IFRS anwill use the proportionate consolition methoto account for the joint venture.Fabian, CFwork on the Equity investment company, he hestimatethe joint venture’s financiinformation for 2012. Fabiis preparing his estimates of eacompany’s earnings anfinanciperformance. This information is presentein following table:Baseon Fabian’s estimates, the amount of Heinternet company net income inclu on the consolitefinancistatement will most likely be: A.higher for T-vision. B.higher for Alf C.the same for both T-vision anAlf C is correct.考点不同的合并方法下的NI对比解析计量joint venture既可以用equity metho也可以用proportionate consolition 。所以这道题其实是在对比equity methoproportionate consolition的NI,有一个重要的结论就是NI在两种方法下一样。equity methoshare results,被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。proportionate consolition,按比例合并被投资公司的NI,因此结果也是被投资公司NI归属于投资公司的部分会包含在投资公司NI中。 以上理解,但是Equity Metho,NIb%不是还涉及1. FV 2. TRANSACTION的调整么?如果有相关的调整,最终的NI还一定保持一致么?

2022-06-09 00:12 1 · 回答

higher for Alfthe same for both T-vision anAlf C is correct. 考点不同的合并方法下的NI对比 解析 题干说T公司要用JV,这种方法下,既可以用equity metho 也可以用proportionate consolition, 所以这道题其实是在考你,对比equity methoproportionate consolition的NI,有一个结论非常重要就是NI是一样的在2种方法下,其实在任何方法下,NI都是一样的。 请教老师,如果用acquisition methoNI应该最高吧?因为把子公司所有的利润都合并进来,算出NI之后再减去归属于少数股东的NI。

2020-07-27 23:53 1 · 回答