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Jack Sun · 2022年07月28日


问题一:关于选项B:non-fee-paying portfolio 是“May”包含,意思包含之后,需要披露non-fee-paying portfolio在整个composite的占比?

关于选项C:terminated portfolio也是“available upon request”吗?不需要主动给客户披露吗?

55. Which of the following performance presentation notes contains an error or 

omission that is most likely to prevent RAM from being in compliance with the 

GIPS standards? 

A. Composite list availability.

B. Non-fee paying accounts disclosure. 

C. Disclosure concerning discontinued composites.

Answer: B

问题二:选项C是正确的,gross of fee就是扣除了trasaction fee。文中的“trading cost”指的是什么?trasaction fee吗?

选项B:cash basis accounting(收付实现制)是不是应该是Accrual accounting(权责发生制)?

选项A:pricing source是指什么?是不是意思管理层先改portfolio的估值方法,想故意做高业绩?

56. Which of the following performance presentation notes most likely comply with 

the recommendations and requirements of the GIPS standards? 

A. Pricing source.

B. Cash-basis accounting. 

C. Returns calculated gross of fees.

Answer: C

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年07月28日


问题一:关于选项B:non-fee-paying portfolio 是“May”包含,意思包含之后,需要披露non-fee-paying portfolio在整个composite的占比?——完全正确

关于选项C:terminated portfolio也是“available upon request”吗?不需要主动给客户披露吗?——对的

问题二:选项C是正确的,gross of fee就是扣除了trasaction fee。文中的“trading cost”指的是什么?trasaction fee吗?——嗯,是的

选项B:cash basis accounting(收付实现制)是不是应该是Accrual accounting(权责发生制)?|——对。只有 cash and cash equivalents 才是cash basis accounting

2.A.10 Accrual accounting must be used for fixed-income securities and all other investments that earn interest income, except that interest income on cash and cash equivalents may be recognized on a cash basis. Any accrued income must be included in the beginning and ending portfolio values when performance is calculated.

选项A:pricing source是指什么?是不是意思管理层先改portfolio的估值方法,想故意做高业绩?——定价来源,这个教材没有教,不用管。


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