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moon · 2022年07月27日

为什么 1. 发行人发行在外总债务规模越大;2. 此次发行债务的规模越大,流动性越好

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Celia is chief investment officer for the Topanga Investors Fund, which invests in equities and fixed income. The clients in the fund are all taxable investors. The fixed-income allocation includes a domestic (US) bond portfolio and an externally managed global bond portfolio.

The domestic bond portfolio has a total return mandate, which specifies a long-term return objective of 25 basis points (bps) over the benchmark index. Relative to the benchmark, small deviations in sector weightings are permitted, such risk factors as duration must closely match, and tracking error is expected to be less than 50 bps per year.

The objectives for the domestic bond portfolio include the ability to fund future liabilities, protect interest income from short-term inflation, and minimize the correlation with the fund’s equity portfolio. The correlation between the fund’s domestic bond portfolio and equity portfolio is currently 0.14. Celia plans to reduce the fund’s equity allocation and increase the allocation to the domestic bond portfolio. She reviews two possible investment strategies.

  • Strategy 1 Purchase AAA rated fixed-coupon corporate bonds with a modified duration of two years and a correlation coefficient with the equity portfolio of -0.15.
  • Strategy 2 Purchase US government agency floating-coupon bonds with a modified duration of one month and a correlation coefficient with the equity portfolio of -0.10.
Celia realizes that the fund’s return may decrease if the equity allocation of the fund is reduced. Celia decides to liquidate $20 million of US Treasuries that are currently owned and to invest the proceeds in the US corporate bond sector. To fulfill this strategy, Celia asks Dan, a newly hired analyst for the fund, to recommend specific Treasuries to sell and corporate bonds to purchase.

Dan recommends Treasuries from the existing portfolio that he believes are over-valued and will generate capital gains. Celia asks Dan why he chose only overvalued bonds with capital gains and did not include any bonds with capital losses. Dan responds with two statements.

  • Statement 1 Taxable investors should prioritize selling overvalued bonds and always sell them before selling bonds that are viewed as fairly valued or undervalued.
  • Statement 2 Taxable investors should never intentionally realize capital losses.
Regarding the purchase of corporate bonds, Dan collects relevant data, which are presented in Exhibit 1.

Celia and Dan review the total expected 12-month return (assuming no reinvestment income) for the global bond portfolio. Selected financial data are presented in Exhibit 2.

Celia contemplates adding a new manager to the global bond portfolio. She reviews three proposals and determines that each manager uses the same index as its benchmark but pursues a different total return approach, as presented in Exhibit 3.

Based on Exhibit 1, which bond most likely has the highest liquidity premium?



Bond 1


Bond 2


Bond 3


C is correct. Bond 3 is most likely to be the least liquid of the three bonds presented in Exhibit 1 and will thus most likely require the highest liquidity premium. Low credit ratings, longer time since issuance, smaller issuance size, smaller issuance outstanding, and longer time to maturity typically are associated with lower liquidity (and thus a higher liquidity premium).

Bond 3 has the lowest credit quality and the longest time since issuance of the three bonds. Bond 3 also has a smaller issue size and a longer time to maturity than Bond 1. The total issuance outstanding for Bond 3 is smaller than that of Bond 2 and equal to that of Bond 1.

为什么 1. 发行人发行在外总债务规模越大;2. 此次发行债务的规模越大,流动性越好

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年07月27日





  • 1

  • 0

  • 472


NO.PZ201812020100000204 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whibonmost likely hthe highest liquity premium? A.Bon1 B.Bon2 C.Bon3 Cis correct. Bon3 is most likely to the least liquiof the three bonpresentein Exhibit 1 anwill thus most likely require the highestliquity premium. Low cret ratings, longer time sinissuance, smallerissuansize, smaller issuanoutstanng, anlonger time to maturitytypically are associatewith lower liquity (anthus a higher liquitypremium).Bon hthe lowest cret quality anthe longest time sinissuanof thethree bon. Bon3 also ha smaller issue size ana longer time to maturitythBon1. The totissuanoutstanng for Bon3 is smaller ththofBon2 anequto thof Bon1. smaller issuansize, smaller issuanoutstanng,前者是说发行规模,后者是什么意思?

2022-12-14 16:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000204 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whibonmost likely hthe highest liquity premium? A.Bon1 B.Bon2 C.Bon3 Cis correct. Bon3 is most likely to the least liquiof the three bonpresentein Exhibit 1 anwill thus most likely require the highestliquity premium. Low cret ratings, longer time sinissuance, smallerissuansize, smaller issuanoutstanng, anlonger time to maturitytypically are associatewith lower liquity (anthus a higher liquitypremium).Bon hthe lowest cret quality anthe longest time sinissuanof thethree bon. Bon3 also ha smaller issue size ana longer time to maturitythBon1. The totissuanoutstanng for Bon3 is smaller ththofBon2 anequto thof Bon1. 老师好 这题是bon2 和 bon3 issue size 一样, 如果issue size 也不同的话, 和 totissuranoutstanng 比较的话,两者有没有哪个优先考虑?谢谢。

2022-05-01 03:16 1 · 回答

对于题干有些问题,麻烦老师有空看一下,谢谢! Totissuanoutstanng是不是发行总量,也就是额度的概念 issue size 是不是单次发行规模,根据窗口期和企业融资需要具体发行的,也就是具体债券的发行量 累计issue size小于等于totissuanoutstanng,totissuanoutstanng在一定时期内生效,过期失效。 在判断债券流动性的时候,是不是应该考量iussue size而并非totissuanoutstanng呢?

2020-02-09 17:32 1 · 回答

请问issuer size是有利于risk premium的还是?    

2019-01-09 15:27 1 · 回答