开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Chasechoi · 2022年06月12日




Park is very frustrated after taking her Level II exam. While she was studying for the exam, to supplement the curriculum provided, she ordered and used study material from a third-party provider. Park believes the additional material focused her attention on specific topic areas that were not tested while ignoring other areas. She posts the following statement on the provider’s discussion board: "I am very dissatisfied with your firm’s CFA Program Level II material. I found the exam extremely difficult and myself unprepared for specific questions after using your product. How could your service provide such limited instructional resources on the analysis of inventories and taxes when the exam had multiple questions about them? I will not recommend your products to other candidates."



Park violated the Code and Standards by purchasing third-party review material.


Park violated the Code and Standards by providing her opinion on the difficulty of the exam.


Park violated the Code and Standards by providing specific information on topics tested on the exam.


C  is correct.

Answer Standard VII(A) –Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program prohibits providing information to candidates or the public that is considered confidential to the CFA Program. In revealing that questions related to the analysis of inventories and analysis of taxes were on the exam, Park has violated this standard. Answer B is incorrect because the guidance for the standard explicitly acknowledges that members and candidates are allowed to offer their opinions about the CFA Program. Answer A is incorrect because candidates are not prohibited from using outside resources.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2022年06月12日


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NO.PZ2016040303000038 问题如下 Park is very frustrateafter taking her Level II exam. While she wstuing for the exam, to supplement the curriculum provi she orreanusestu materifrom a thirparty provir. Park believes the aitionmaterifocuseher attention on specific topic arethwere not testewhile ignoring other areas. She posts the following statement on the provir’s scussion boar \"I very ssatisfiewith your firm’s CFA ProgrLevel II material. I founthe exextremely fficult anmyself unpreparefor specific questions after using your proct. How coulyour serviprovi sulimiteinstructionresources on the analysis of inventories antaxes when the exhmultiple questions about them? I will not recommenyour procts to other cantes.\" A.Park violatethe Co anStanr purchasing thirparty review material. B.Park violatethe Co anStanr proving her opinion on the fficulty of the exam. C.Park violatethe Co anStanr proving specific information on topitesteon the exam. is correct.Answer StanrVII(–ConMembers anCantes in the CFA Progrprohibits proving information to cantes or the public this consireconfintito the CFA Program. In revealing thquestions relateto the analysis of inventories ananalysis of taxes were on the exam, Park hviolatethis stanr Answer B is incorrebecause the guinfor the stanrexplicitly acknowlees thmembers ancantes are alloweto offer their opinions about the CFA Program. Answer A is incorrebecause cantes are not prohibitefrom using outsi resources. 选了C 但是如果没 C能讨论考试难度吗

2024-08-13 16:19 1 · 回答

老师,我想确定一下我的理解是否正确。 考试过后是可以generally讨论或评论考试难易,但是不可以泄露任何具体的考题或具体的内容,是这样吗?

2020-10-11 17:00 1 · 回答


2018-03-09 03:24 1 · 回答