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moon · 2022年06月01日

这道题干说投的是bond和stock 没说是bond index 答案是怎么看出来投了index? 【domestic equity index 】



A $30 million investment account of a bank trust fund is allocated one- third to stocks and two-thirds to bonds. The portfolio manager wants to change the overall allocation to 50% stock and 50% bonds and the allocation within the stock fund from 70% domestic stock and 30% foreign stock to 60% domestic and 40% foreign. The bond allocation will remain entirely invested in domestic corporate issues.

Explain how swaps can be used to implement this adjustment. The market reference rate is assumed to be flat for all swaps, and you do not need to refer to specific stock and bond indexes.



Currently the allocation is $10 million in stocks and $20 million in bonds. Within the stock category, the current allocation is $7 million domestic and $3 million foreign. The desired allocation is $15 million in stocks and $15 million in bonds. Thus, the allocation must change by moving $5 million into stocks and out of bonds. The desired stock allocation is $9 million domestic and $6 million foreign. The desired bond allocation is $15 million, all domestic corporate.

To make the changes with swaps, the manager must enter into swaps against the market reference rate, which is assumed to be flat for all swaps in this example. Using the swaps, the bank trust fund portfolio manager needs to (1) receive the returns on $2 million based on a domestic equity index and on $3 million based on a foreign equity index and (2) pay the return on $5 million based on a domestic corporate bond index. The market reference rate outflows from the swaps in (1) and the inflows from the swap in (2) will cancel out through summation.




另外,为什么要用MRR作为互换的另一端呢,是因为题干中给到这个信息:“The market reference rate is assumed to be flat for all swaps”。MRR是一个市场利率,常见的如libor。其实这个MRR是什么并不重要,因为在整个操作下来,比如本题的三个互换后,所有关于这个MRR的头寸都被抵消了。当然如果题目没有说要用MRR,我们也可以用libor,或者libor+3%,或者libor+5%都可以的,因为最终对我们是没有影响的。


没说是bond index


domestic equity index 

moon · 2022年06月01日

还有个问题,这道题能不能进入一个swap搞定:(1)receveve: receive the returns on $2 million based on a domestic equity index and on $3 million based on a foreign equity index ;(2)pay:pay the return on $5 million based on a domestic corporate bond index

2 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年06月03日


本题在问题中说了The market reference rate is assumed to be flat for all swaps,说明每个互换都要和MRR进行,因此我们分了3个互换,如果没有这个要求,你说的方式是可以的哟~


Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年06月01日


本题只能在提问and you do not need to refer to specific stock and bond indexes.这里看出index,可能出题人本意是index,但前面没有说清楚。这里用股/债或者index都可以,考试的时候题干会更严谨一些~



moon · 2022年06月02日

因为我记得有个题目,是进去一个swap: 减少equity 10m,增加bond 10m,就是支出return of equity,收到return of bond

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NO.PZ2017121101000012 问题如下 A $30 million investment account of a bank trust funis allocateone- thirto stocks antwo-thir to bon. The portfolio manager wants to change the overall allocation to 50% stoan50% bon anthe allocation within the stofunfrom 70% mestic stoan30% foreign stoto 60% mestic an40% foreign. The bonallocation will remain entirely investein mestic corporate issues.Explain how swaps cuseto implement this austment. The market referenrate is assumeto flfor all swaps, anyou not neeto refer to specific stoanboninxes. Currently the allocation is $10 million in stocks an$20 million in bon. Within the stocategory, the current allocation is $7 million mestic an$3 million foreign. The sireallocation is $15 million in stocks an$15 million in bon. Thus, the allocation must change moving $5 million into stocks anout of bon. The sirestoallocation is $9 million mestic an$6 million foreign. The sirebonallocation is $15 million, all mestic corporate.To make the changes with swaps, the manager must enter into swaps against the market referenrate, whiis assumeto flfor all swaps in this example. Using the swaps, the bank trust funportfolio manager nee to (1) receive the returns on $2 million baseon a mestic equity inx anon $3 million baseon a foreign equity inx an(2) pthe return on $5 million baseon a mestic corporate boninx. The market referenrate outflows from the swaps in (1) anthe inflows from the swin (2) will cancel out through summation.中文解析根据题干我们可以梳理出原来的资产配置情况和想要实现的配置情况,如下图然后题目想通过互换来实现这个资产配置的改变,于是就有了下图的三个互换(tips图中的小人代表的是我们所占的一方)另外,为什么要用MRR作为互换的另一端呢,是因为题干中给到这个信息“The market referenrate is assumeto flfor all swaps”。MRR是一个市场利率,常见的如libor。其实这个MRR是什么并不重要,因为在整个操作下来,比如本题的三个互换后,所有关于这个MRR的头寸都被抵消了。当然如果题目没有说要用MRR,我们也可以用libor,或者libor+3%,或者libor+5%都可以的,因为最终对我们是没有影响的。 three swaps cuseto implement this austment.the bonposition shoulcrease5m to increase to stoposition.mestic stoincreases 2m, foreign stoincreases 3m.the first swis paying MRR anreceive mestic storeturn with 2m notionprincipalthe seconswis paying MRR anreceive foreign storeturn with 3m notionprincipalthe thirswis paying bonreturn anreceiving MRR with 5m notionprincipal

2023-05-19 12:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017121101000012 问题如下 A $30 million investment account of a bank trust funis allocateone- thirto stocks antwo-thir to bon. The portfolio manager wants to change the overall allocation to 50% stoan50% bon anthe allocation within the stofunfrom 70% mestic stoan30% foreign stoto 60% mestic an40% foreign. The bonallocation will remain entirely investein mestic corporate issues.Explain how swaps cuseto implement this austment. The market referenrate is assumeto flfor all swaps, anyou not neeto refer to specific stoanboninxes. Currently the allocation is $10 million in stocks an$20 million in bon. Within the stocategory, the current allocation is $7 million mestic an$3 million foreign. The sireallocation is $15 million in stocks an$15 million in bon. Thus, the allocation must change moving $5 million into stocks anout of bon. The sirestoallocation is $9 million mestic an$6 million foreign. The sirebonallocation is $15 million, all mestic corporate.To make the changes with swaps, the manager must enter into swaps against the market referenrate, whiis assumeto flfor all swaps in this example. Using the swaps, the bank trust funportfolio manager nee to (1) receive the returns on $2 million baseon a mestic equity inx anon $3 million baseon a foreign equity inx an(2) pthe return on $5 million baseon a mestic corporate boninx. The market referenrate outflows from the swaps in (1) anthe inflows from the swin (2) will cancel out through summation.中文解析根据题干我们可以梳理出原来的资产配置情况和想要实现的配置情况,如下图然后题目想通过互换来实现这个资产配置的改变,于是就有了下图的三个互换(tips图中的小人代表的是我们所占的一方)另外,为什么要用MRR作为互换的另一端呢,是因为题干中给到这个信息“The market referenrate is assumeto flfor all swaps”。MRR是一个市场利率,常见的如libor。其实这个MRR是什么并不重要,因为在整个操作下来,比如本题的三个互换后,所有关于这个MRR的头寸都被抵消了。当然如果题目没有说要用MRR,我们也可以用libor,或者libor+3%,或者libor+5%都可以的,因为最终对我们是没有影响的。 我是这么写的he center 3 swaps:receive mestic storeturn, pmarket referenrate, notionprincipof $2m.receive foreign storeturn, pmarket referenrate, notionprincipof $3m.pbonreturn, receive market referenrate, notionprincipof $5m.还需要写金额咋分析出来的、MRR相互抵消之类的吗?

2022-05-29 11:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017121101000012问题如下A $30 million investment account of a bank trust funis allocateone- thirto stocks antwo-thir to bon. The portfolio manager wants to change the overall allocation to 50% stoan50% bon anthe allocation within the stofunfrom 70% mestic stoan30% foreign stoto 60% mestic an40% foreign. The bonallocation will remain entirely investein mestic corporate issues.Explain how swaps cuseto implement this austment. The market referenrate is assumeto flfor all swaps, anyou not neeto refer to specific stoanboninxes. Currently the allocation is $10 million in stocks an$20 million in bon. Within the stocategory, the current allocation is $7 million mestic an$3 million foreign. The sireallocation is $15 million in stocks an$15 million in bon. Thus, the allocation must change moving $5 million into stocks anout of bon. The sirestoallocation is $9 million mestic an$6 million foreign. The sirebonallocation is $15 million, all mestic corporate.To make the changes with swaps, the manager must enter into swaps against the market referenrate, whiis assumeto flfor all swaps in this example. Using the swaps, the bank trust funportfolio manager nee to (1) receive the returns on $2 million baseon a mestic equity inx anon $3 million baseon a foreign equity inx an(2) pthe return on $5 million baseon a mestic corporate boninx. The market referenrate outflows from the swaps in (1) anthe inflows from the swin (2) will cancel out through summation.中文解析根据题干我们可以梳理出原来的资产配置情况和想要实现的配置情况,如下图然后题目想通过互换来实现这个资产配置的改变,于是就有了下图的三个互换(tips图中的小人代表的是我们所占的一方)另外,为什么要用MRR作为互换的另一端呢,是因为题干中给到这个信息“The market referenrate is assumeto flfor all swaps”。MRR是一个市场利率,常见的如libor。其实这个MRR是什么并不重要,因为在整个操作下来,比如本题的三个互换后,所有关于这个MRR的头寸都被抵消了。当然如果题目没有说要用MRR,我们也可以用libor,或者libor+3%,或者libor+5%都可以的,因为最终对我们是没有影响的。 the portfolio's current asset allocation is:- $10 million in stocks, whicombines of $7 million mestic stoan$3 million foreign stock.- $20 million mestic corporate bonhe portfolio's asset allocation after austment is:- $15 million in stocks, whicombines of $9 million mestic stoan$6 million foreign stock.- $15 million mestic corporate bonhe swaps cuse1. use mestic corporate boninx exchange for mestic stoinx with $2 million notionprincipal;2. use mestic corporate boninx exchange for foreign stoinx with $3 million notionprincipal;老师,我在其他问答里,勉强看懂了为什么要用MRR作为中间互换资产的原因,红字部分是我的作答,对比来看应该不妥。 想问下回答这个问题时,英文有没有推荐的表述?我感觉答案的写法也很绕,没有直观体现每一笔都用MRR去互换

2022-04-13 11:08 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2017121101000012为什么还要先兑换成mrr呢 这里的flat的意义是什么呢

2021-11-22 16:05 2 · 回答