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华 · 2022年05月30日




n The total committed capital of a PE fund is $100 million, at the end of the most recent year, cumulative paid-in capital was $90 million, cumulative distributions paid out to LPs were $30 million

n At the end of the most recent year, the year-end NAV, before and after distributions, was $160 million and $130 million, respectively.

n The estimated NAV before distributions will be $250 million at the end of next year.

n Carried interest rate is 20%.

According to the financial data of the PE fund, at the end of the most recent year, the total value to paid-in capital (TVPI) ratio for the fund was closest to:









B is correct.


解析:Total value to paid-in capital (TVPI) 累计投资总收益比例:等于累计投资分红加上累计投资留存价值的收益之和与累计实收资本的比例, 用来衡量LP已实现和未实现的收益部分。

根据题目信息,累计投资分红=$30 million, 累计投资留存价值(NAV after distribution)=$130 million, 两者之和=$30+$130=$160 million, 累计实收资本为$90 million.

TVPI=$160 million / $90 million=1.78x, B选项正确。


即把250M扣除给GP的carry interest(18M),之后剩余的都当做Unrealized Return

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年06月01日




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NO.PZ2018111302000056 问题如下 n The totcommittecapitof a PE funis $100 million, the enof the most recent year, cumulative paiin capitw$90 million, cumulative stributions paiout to LPs were $30 million n the enof the most recent year, the year-enNAV, before anafter stributions, w$160 million an$130 million, respectively. n The estimateNbefore stributions will $250 million the enof next year. n Carrieinterest rate is 20%. Accorng to the financita of the PE fun the enof the most recent year, the totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) ratio for the funwclosest to: 1.60x. 1.78x. 2.11x. B is correct.考点私募股权投资绩效衡量解析Totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) 累计投资总收益比例等于累计投资分红加上累计投资留存价值的收益之和与累计实收资本的比例, 用来衡量LP已实现和未实现的收益部分。根据题目信息,累计投资分红=$30 million, 累计投资留存价值(Nafter stribution)=$130 million, 两者之和=$30+$130=$160 million, 累计实收资本为$90 million.TVPI=$160 million / $90 million=1.78x, B正确。 老师,请问每年Nbefore stribution和Nafter stribution的差值是什么?是当年分配给LP的stribution吗?

2023-10-27 16:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111302000056 问题如下 n The totcommittecapitof a PE funis $100 million, the enof the most recent year, cumulative paiin capitw$90 million, cumulative stributions paiout to LPs were $30 million n the enof the most recent year, the year-enNAV, before anafter stributions, w$160 million an$130 million, respectively. n The estimateNbefore stributions will $250 million the enof next year. n Carrieinterest rate is 20%. Accorng to the financita of the PE fun the enof the most recent year, the totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) ratio for the funwclosest to: 1.60x. 1.78x. 2.11x. B is correct.考点私募股权投资绩效衡量解析Totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) 累计投资总收益比例等于累计投资分红加上累计投资留存价值的收益之和与累计实收资本的比例, 用来衡量LP已实现和未实现的收益部分。根据题目信息,累计投资分红=$30 million, 累计投资留存价值(Nafter stribution)=$130 million, 两者之和=$30+$130=$160 million, 累计实收资本为$90 million.TVPI=$160 million / $90 million=1.78x, B正确。 老师讲的例题计算TVPI是I加上去掉Carrieinterest 之后计算的的RVPI呀,这道题里明显是有carrieinterest的

2023-07-16 08:16 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018111302000056 问题如下 n The totcommittecapitof a PE funis $100 million, the enof the most recent year, cumulative paiin capitw$90 million, cumulative stributions paiout to LPs were $30 million n the enof the most recent year, the year-enNAV, before anafter stributions, w$160 million an$130 million, respectively. n The estimateNbefore stributions will $250 million the enof next year. n Carrieinterest rate is 20%. Accorng to the financita of the PE fun the enof the most recent year, the totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) ratio for the funwclosest to: 1.60x. 1.78x. 2.11x. B is correct.考点私募股权投资绩效衡量解析Totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) 累计投资总收益比例等于累计投资分红加上累计投资留存价值的收益之和与累计实收资本的比例, 用来衡量LP已实现和未实现的收益部分。根据题目信息,累计投资分红=$30 million, 累计投资留存价值(Nafter stribution)=$130 million, 两者之和=$30+$130=$160 million, 累计实收资本为$90 million.TVPI=$160 million / $90 million=1.78x, B正确。 The totcommittecapitof a PE funis $100 million, the enof the most recent year, cumulative paiin capitw$90 million, cumulative stributions paiout to LPs were $30 million.the enof the most recent year, the year-enNAV, before anafter stributions, w$160 million an$130 million, respectively.前面说的是截至今年年底的累计分红是30M,但是第二句表达的是今年年末分红是30M,累计分红不等于今年年末的分红吧,是不是有歧义

2023-02-13 19:49 1 · 回答

1.78x. 2.11x. B is correct. 考点私募股权投资绩效衡量 解析Totvalue to paiin capit(TVPI) 累计投资总收益比例等于累计投资分红加上累计投资留存价值的收益之和与累计实收资本的比例, 用来衡量LP已实现和未实现的收益部分。 根据题目信息,累计投资分红=$30 million, 累计投资留存价值(Nafter stribution)=$130 million, 两者之和=$30+$130=$160 million, 累计实收资本为$90 million. TVPI=$160 million / $90 million=1.78x, B正确。关于这道题是题干的,目前看到了两个小题。有几个地方不明白1)这题目里面有committecapit100为什么不管是计算carrieinterest 还是这里都不用100,而选择都得是NAV超过160才要计算 carrieinterest?在另一道以这个题干问carrieinterest的题目里显示。2)为什么以前默认没有carrieinterest啊?要是按照100来计算(160-100)*0.2=12是carrieinterest,每年stribution应该是30-12=18才对。

2022-08-08 12:58 1 · 回答