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mino酱是个小破货 · 2022年05月20日




Zhou is a portfolio manager for an Investment management companyJohnson is an analyst at the company and reports to zhou.Zhou has a $ 20 million portfolio,most allocate to public equity. Zhou tell Johnson that he want to create a multi-asset portfolio by selling part of his equity holdings and investing the proceeds in another asset class. And zhou states that asset allocation should achieve the two goals:risk diversification and capital growth.Johnson suggests the following three asset classes:

· Public real estate

· Private real assets (timber)

· Equity long/short hedge funds

Determine which asset class is most likely to meet Pua’s investment objective. Justify your response.


Johnson should recommend Private real assets (timber) as most suitable for zhou.

• Timber exhibits a low correlation with public equities and can fulfill the functional role of risk diversification.

• Timber provides high long-term returns and can fulfill the functional role of capital growth.

• 木材与公共股票的相关性较低,可以发挥分散风险的功能。

• 木材提供高长期回报,并能发挥资本增值的功能作用。

私人实物资产(木材)是最有可能实现 zhou 目标的资产类别。私人实物资产,例如木材,往往与公开股票的相关性较低,因此在 zhou 当前的全股票投资组合中,很有可能发挥分散风险的功能作用。此外,木材在实现投资组合中资本增长的功能作用方面具有很高的潜力,因为增长是由树木的潜在生物生长以及潜在土地价值的升值提供的。

与木材相比,作为资产类别的公共房地产可能提供较少的资本增长机会和较低的多元化收益。毕竟作为public,和二级市场的股票就有一些相似性,都是public,此外Public real estate升值潜力不大。此外,作为资产类别的Equity long/short hedge funds将在zhou 的全股票投资组合中提供适度的风险分散,但不具有显着的资本增长潜力。因为Equity long/short hedge funds的β很小,虽然volatility小了,收益也下降了。

感觉按图上好像private real estate都是中间选项,不可以实现目标。谢谢🙏

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2022年05月21日


同学你好,非常感谢你的指正,图是对的,但是红框画错了。我现在勘误一下。不是Public real estate而是 Private real assets (timber)


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NO.PZ2021060201000020 问题如下 Zhou is a portfoliomanager for Investment management company,Johnson is analyst the company anreportsto Zhou. Zhou ha portfolio of $20 million, most of whiis investein public equity. Zhou tell Johnson thhe want to create a multi-asset portfolio selling part of his equity holngs aninvesting the procee in another asset class. AnZhou states thasset allocation shoulachieve the two goalsrisk versification ancapitgrowth.Johnson suggests the following three asset classes:· Public reestate· Private reassets (timber)· Equity long/short hee fun termine whiasset class is most likely to meet Zhou’s investment objective. Justify your response. Johnson shoulrecommenPrivate reassets (timber) most suitable for zhou. • Timber exhibits a low correlation with public equities ancfulfill the functionrole of risk versification.• Timber provis high long-term returns ancfulfill the functionrole of capitgrowth.• 木材与公共股票的相关性较低,可以发挥分散风险的功能。• 木材提供高长期回报,并能发挥资本增值的功能作用。私人实物资产(木材)是最有可能实现 zhou 目标的资产类别。私人实物资产,例如木材,往往与公开股票的相关性较低,因此在 zhou 当前的全股票投资组合中,很有可能发挥分散风险的功能作用。此外,木材在实现投资组合中资本增长的功能作用方面具有很高的潜力,因为增长是由树木的潜在生物生长以及潜在土地价值的升值提供的。与木材相比,作为资产类别的公共房地产可能提供较少的资本增长机会和较低的多元化收益。毕竟作为public,和二级市场的股票就有一些相似性,都是public,此外Public reestate升值潜力不大。此外,作为资产类别的Equity long/short hee fun将在zhou 的全股票投资组合中提供适度的风险分散,但不具有显着的资本增长潜力。因为Equity long/short hee fun的β很小,虽然volatility小了,收益也下降了。 这道题不用考虑资产规模比较小的问题吗?20million的规模不大

2023-06-11 13:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000020 问题如下 Zhou is a portfoliomanager for Investment management company,Johnson is analyst the company anreportsto zhou.Zhou ha $ 20 million portfolio,most allocate to public equity. Zhou tell Johnson thhe want to create a multi-asset portfolio selling part of his equity holngs aninvesting the procee in another asset class. Anzhou states thasset allocation shoulachieve the two goalsrisk versification ancapitgrowth.Johnson suggests the following three asset classes:· Public reestate· Private reassets (timber)· Equity long/short hee fun termine whiasset class is most likely to meet Pua’s investment objective. Justify your response. Johnson shoulrecommenPrivate reassets (timber) most suitable for zhou. • Timber exhibits a low correlation with public equities ancfulfill the functionrole of risk versification.• Timber provis high long-term returns ancfulfill the functionrole of capitgrowth.• 木材与公共股票的相关性较低,可以发挥分散风险的功能。• 木材提供高长期回报,并能发挥资本增值的功能作用。私人实物资产(木材)是最有可能实现 zhou 目标的资产类别。私人实物资产,例如木材,往往与公开股票的相关性较低,因此在 zhou 当前的全股票投资组合中,很有可能发挥分散风险的功能作用。此外,木材在实现投资组合中资本增长的功能作用方面具有很高的潜力,因为增长是由树木的潜在生物生长以及潜在土地价值的升值提供的。与木材相比,作为资产类别的公共房地产可能提供较少的资本增长机会和较低的多元化收益。毕竟作为public,和二级市场的股票就有一些相似性,都是public,此外Public reestate升值潜力不大。此外,作为资产类别的Equity long/short hee fun将在zhou 的全股票投资组合中提供适度的风险分散,但不具有显着的资本增长潜力。因为Equity long/short hee fun的β很小,虽然volatility小了,收益也下降了。 \"因为Equity long/short hee fun的β很小,虽然volatility小了,收益也下降了。\"这边我看跟讲义不一样, 讲义有写说: aitionsourof return, 这不是收益增加了吗?

2023-03-21 18:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000020 问题如下 Zhou is a portfoliomanager for Investment management company,Johnson is analyst the company anreportsto zhou.Zhou ha $ 20 million portfolio,most allocate to public equity. Zhou tell Johnson thhe want to create a multi-asset portfolio selling part of his equity holngs aninvesting the procee in another asset class. Anzhou states thasset allocation shoulachieve the two goalsrisk versification ancapitgrowth.Johnson suggests the following three asset classes:· Public reestate· Private reassets (timber)· Equity long/short hee fun termine whiasset class is most likely to meet Pua’s investment objective. Justify your response. Johnson shoulrecommenPrivate reassets (timber) most suitable for zhou. • Timber exhibits a low correlation with public equities ancfulfill the functionrole of risk versification.• Timber provis high long-term returns ancfulfill the functionrole of capitgrowth.• 木材与公共股票的相关性较低,可以发挥分散风险的功能。• 木材提供高长期回报,并能发挥资本增值的功能作用。私人实物资产(木材)是最有可能实现 zhou 目标的资产类别。私人实物资产,例如木材,往往与公开股票的相关性较低,因此在 zhou 当前的全股票投资组合中,很有可能发挥分散风险的功能作用。此外,木材在实现投资组合中资本增长的功能作用方面具有很高的潜力,因为增长是由树木的潜在生物生长以及潜在土地价值的升值提供的。与木材相比,作为资产类别的公共房地产可能提供较少的资本增长机会和较低的多元化收益。毕竟作为public,和二级市场的股票就有一些相似性,都是public,此外Public reestate升值潜力不大。此外,作为资产类别的Equity long/short hee fun将在zhou 的全股票投资组合中提供适度的风险分散,但不具有显着的资本增长潜力。因为Equity long/short hee fun的β很小,虽然volatility小了,收益也下降了。 老师好 从这图来看为啥不能用hee fun hee fun与equity 也是有high potentito fulfill the incaterole (打亮)。谢谢。

2022-06-22 16:16 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021060201000020 问题如下 Zhou is a portfoliomanager for Investment management company,Johnson is analyst the company anreportsto zhou.Zhou ha $ 20 million portfolio,most allocate to public equity. Zhou tell Johnson thhe want to create a multi-asset portfolio selling part of his equity holngs aninvesting the procee in another asset class. Anzhou states thasset allocation shoulachieve the two goalsrisk versification ancapitgrowth.Johnson suggests the following three asset classes:· Public reestate· Private reassets (timber)· Equity long/short hee fun termine whiasset class is most likely to meet Pua’s investment objective. Justify your response. Johnson shoulrecommenPrivate reassets (timber) most suitable for zhou. • Timber exhibits a low correlation with public equities ancfulfill the functionrole of risk versification.• Timber provis high long-term returns ancfulfill the functionrole of capitgrowth.• 木材与公共股票的相关性较低,可以发挥分散风险的功能。• 木材提供高长期回报,并能发挥资本增值的功能作用。私人实物资产(木材)是最有可能实现 zhou 目标的资产类别。私人实物资产,例如木材,往往与公开股票的相关性较低,因此在 zhou 当前的全股票投资组合中,很有可能发挥分散风险的功能作用。此外,木材在实现投资组合中资本增长的功能作用方面具有很高的潜力,因为增长是由树木的潜在生物生长以及潜在土地价值的升值提供的。与木材相比,作为资产类别的公共房地产可能提供较少的资本增长机会和较低的多元化收益。毕竟作为public,和二级市场的股票就有一些相似性,都是public,此外Public reestate升值潜力不大。此外,作为资产类别的Equity long/short hee fun将在zhou 的全股票投资组合中提供适度的风险分散,但不具有显着的资本增长潜力。因为Equity long/short hee fun的β很小,虽然volatility小了,收益也下降了。 RT

2022-05-25 10:27 1 · 回答