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dognmnm · 2022年05月15日




Bevis is an adviser to WT, a fund management firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one of his clients, which had a total return of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculate the return due to the foreign currency contribution.

Exhibit 1 summarizes the investment information for Clare's account last year

Calculate the contribution of foreign currency to the total return.




the Clare account’s total (US dollar) return of 4.418%.

The weighted asset return is equal to 1.8%, calculated as follows:

(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%

The domestic-currency return is equal to the sum of the weighted asset return, the weighted currency return, and the weighted cross-product of the asset return and the currency return. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currency movements.

Therefore, the contribution of foreign currency equals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .



要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX

因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。


the contribution of foreign currency = wiRFX +wiRFCRFX


在外国投资的收益来源主要包含三个, 外币资产收益r(FC)+外汇收益r(FX)+外币资产和汇率的共同变动r(FC)*r(FX), 这里把总收益扣掉r(FC)就说是contribution of foreign currency, 这明显有问题, 因为r(FC)*r(FX)中还是有r(FC)的影响, 光扣掉r(FC)所剩下的收益还是有一步份是来自r(FC), 这明显不是contribution of foreign currency

dognmnm · 2022年05月15日

还请解释一下为何可以直接扣减? 扣减的这个弓是逻辑是什麽?

2 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2022年05月16日



1.     我可以理解成, 因为要把外国收益转换成本币, 因此产生的额外收益, 这样理解对吗? —— 对哒

2.     我认真找了原版书对contribution of foreign currency这个用法, 内文没有, 就是练习题有, 感觉这个说法非常不严谨, 中文翻译成外币的贡献, 但我r*(FC)不也是外币的贡献吗? 所以我要把contribution of foreign currency这个用法专门背起来吗

——是的,在教材中并没有这个表述,更没有这个定义,我理解的是这是出题人自己创造出来的词汇,特指RFX+RFC ×RFX这两部分,所以我们就当做一个点稍微注意一下吧~


Hertz_品职助教 · 2022年05月16日



这里的问题,主要集中在对contribution of foreign currency到底是包含什么的理解上,以及为什么扣减掉foreign asset的return就是本题所求的。


首先,我们需要明确的一点是收益率是没有货币单位的。比如你是个中国人,你可以投资美元资产,比如收益率是2%,如果你不打算把这个资产转成人民币,那么你获得的就是2%,跟买人民币资产获得的2%没什么不同,这个时候我们不需要考虑货币单位,收益率就是收益率,没有货币单位的。但是一旦我们要把这个资产换成人民币,那么就要考虑汇率问题了,获得总收益率就可能不是2%,那么这中间的差额就是contribution of foreign currency,也可以表述成contribution of exchange rate,是一个意思的哈,不必纠结。


1、不考虑foreign currency的问题,我们直接获得的就是asset return

2、考虑foreign currency,我们获得的是asset return+contribution of foreign currency



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NO.PZ2018113001000083 问题如下 Bevis is aiser to WT, a funanagement firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one ofhis clients, whiha totreturn of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculatethe return e to the foreign currencontribution.Exhibit 1 summarizes the investmentinformation for Clare's account last yeCalculate the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn. Answer:the Clare account’s tot(US llar) return of 4.418%.The weighteasset return is equto 1.8%, calculatefollows:(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%The mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX。因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。另外一种计算方法the contribution of foreign curren= wiRFX+wiRFCRFX=0.6*0.02+0.4*0.035+0.6*0.05*0.02+0.4*0.035*(-0.03)=2.618% 为什么asset return对应的是FX的变动?或者为什么这部分叫做asset return啊?不是汇率的变化吗?

2024-05-27 15:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000083 问题如下 Bevis is aiser to WT, a funanagement firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one ofhis clients, whiha totreturn of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculatethe return e to the foreign currencontribution.Exhibit 1 summarizes the investmentinformation for Clare's account last yeCalculate the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn. Answer:the Clare account’s tot(US llar) return of 4.418%.The weighteasset return is equto 1.8%, calculatefollows:(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%The mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX。因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。另外一种计算方法the contribution of foreign curren= wiRFX+wiRFCRFX=0.6*0.02+0.4*0.035+0.6*0.05*0.02+0.4*0.035*(-0.03)=2.618% 请问4.418% 怎么算出来的

2024-02-05 01:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000083 问题如下 Bevis is aiser to WT, a funanagement firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one ofhis clients, whiha totreturn of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculatethe return e to the foreign currencontribution.Exhibit 1 summarizes the investmentinformation for Clare's account last yeCalculate the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn. Answer:the Clare account’s tot(US llar) return of 4.418%.The weighteasset return is equto 1.8%, calculatefollows:(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%The mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX。因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。另外一种计算方法the contribution of foreign curren= wiRFX+wiRFCRFX=0.6*0.02+0.4*0.035+0.6*0.05*0.02+0.4*0.035*(-0.03)=2.618% 算出来为啥不除以totreturn,不是contribution么如何判断该不该除以

2024-01-15 21:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000083问题如下 Bevis is aiser to WT, a funanagement firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one ofhis clients, whiha totreturn of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculatethe return e to the foreign currencontribution.Exhibit 1 summarizes the investmentinformation for Clare's account last yeCalculate the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn. Answer:the Clare account’s tot(US llar) return of 4.418%.The weighteasset return is equto 1.8%, calculatefollows:(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%The mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX。因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。另外一种计算方法the contribution of foreign curren= wiRFX+wiRFCRFX=0.6*0.02+0.4*0.035+0.6*0.05*0.02+0.4*0.035*(-0.03)=2.618% 交叉项里既有外国资产收益的贡献,也有外汇涨跌的贡献,为何计算时全都归入外汇贡献呢?

2023-11-21 14:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000083 问题如下 Bevis is aiser to WT, a funanagement firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one ofhis clients, whiha totreturn of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculatethe return e to the foreign currencontribution.Exhibit 1 summarizes the investmentinformation for Clare's account last yeCalculate the contribution of foreign currento the totreturn. Answer:the Clare account’s tot(US llar) return of 4.418%.The weighteasset return is equto 1.8%, calculatefollows:(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%The mestic-currenreturn is equto the sum of the weighteasset return, the weightecurrenreturn, anthe weightecross-proof the asset return anthe currenreturn. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currenmovements.Therefore, the contribution of foreign currenequals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .中文解析本题考察的是外汇投资中return的计算。要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX。因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。另外一种计算方法the contribution of foreign curren= wiRFX+wiRFCRFX=0.6*0.02+0.4*0.035+0.6*0.05*0.02+0.4*0.035*(-0.03)=2.618% (R+1)=(1+Rfc)*(1+Rfx),现在已经知道R和Rfc,直接用这个公式求Rfx=(R+1)/ (1+Rf- 1,为何不行?

2023-09-27 21:35 1 · 回答