Bevis is an adviser to WT, a fund
management firm. WT's clients are all high-net-worth clients in the U.S. Bevis manages the account for Clare, one of
his clients, which had a total return of 4.418% last year. Bevis wants to calculate
the return due to the foreign currency contribution.
Exhibit 1 summarizes the investment information for Clare's account last year
Calculate the contribution of foreign currency to the total return.
the Clare account’s total (US dollar) return of 4.418%.
The weighted asset return is equal to 1.8%, calculated as follows:
(60%×5%)+[ 40%×(-3%)] = 1.8%
The domestic-currency return is equal to the sum of the weighted asset return, the weighted currency return, and the weighted cross-product of the asset return and the currency return. The latter two terms explain the effects of foreign-currency movements.
Therefore, the contribution of foreign currency equals 2.618% = 4.418% - 1.8% .
要求解的“the contribution of foreign currency”是包含了两部分的,一是RFX,二是交叉项RFC ×RFX。
因此,在总的return中减掉RFC 后,剩下的return就是由foreign currency贡献的return了。
the contribution of foreign currency = wiRFX
在外国投资的收益来源主要包含三个, 外币资产收益r(FC)+外汇收益r(FX)+外币资产和汇率的共同变动r(FC)*r(FX), 这里把总收益扣掉r(FC)就说是contribution of foreign currency, 这明显有问题, 因为r(FC)*r(FX)中还是有r(FC)的影响, 光扣掉r(FC)所剩下的收益还是有一步份是来自r(FC), 这明显不是contribution of foreign currency