开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


mayduke · 2022年05月14日




Townsend was recently appointed to the board of directors of a youth golf program that is the local chapter of a national not-for-profit organization. The program is beginning a new fund-raising campaign to expand the number of annual scholarships it provides. Townsend believes many of her clients make annual donations to charity. The next week in her regular newsletter to all clients, she includes a small section discussing the fundraising campaign and her position on the organization’s board.



Townsend did not violate the Code and Standards.


Townsend violated the Code and Standards by soliciting donations from her clients through the newsletter.


Townsend violated the Code and Standards by not getting approval of the organization before soliciting her clients.


A is correct.

Townsend has not provided any information about her clients to the leaders or managers of the golf program; thus, she has not violated Standard III(E) –Preservation of Confidentiality. Providing contact information about her clients for a direct-mail solicitation would have been a violation. Answer B is incorrect because the notice in the newsletter does not violate Standard III(E). Answer C is incorrect because the golf program’s fund-raising campaign had already begun, so discussing the opportunity to donate was appropriate.

不需要事先get approval from organization一下吗?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2022年05月14日



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NO.PZ2016032801000040 问题如下 Townsenwrecently appointeto the boarof rectors of a youth golf progrthis the locchapter of a nationnot-for-profit organization. The progris beginning a new funraising campaign to expanthe number of annuscholarships it provis. Townsenbelieves many of her clients make annunations to charity. The next week in her regulnewsletter to all clients, she inclus a small section scussing the funaising campaign anher position on the organization’s boar A.Townsennot violate the Co anStanr. B.Townsenviolatethe Co anStanr soliciting nations from her clients through the newsletter. C.Townsenviolatethe Co anStanr not getting approvof the organization before soliciting her clients. A is correct.Townsenhnot proviany information about her clients to the lears or managers of the golf program; thus, she hnot violateStanrIII(E) –Preservation of Confintiality. Proving containformation about her clients for a rect-mail solicitation woulhave been a violation. Answer B is incorrebecause the notiin the newsletter es not violate StanrIII(E). Answer C is incorrebecause the golf program’s funraising campaign halrea begun, so scussing the opportunity to nate wappropriate. 如题

2022-08-01 00:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000040 老师,按照题目所说,当事人使用的客户名单算是雇主的财产吧,当事人用客户名单来为自己的私生活招揽捐赠,又没有获得雇主的书面同意,这算是违反IV(A)了吧?

2021-05-09 21:05 1 · 回答

Townsenviolatethe Co anStanr soliciting nations from her clients through the newsletter. Townsenviolatethe Co anStanr not getting approvof the organization before soliciting her clients. A is correct. Townsenhnot proviany information about her clients to the lears or managers of the golf program; thus, she hnot violateStanrIII(E) –Preservation of Confintiality. Proving containformation about her clients for a rect-mail solicitation woulhave been a violation. Answer B is incorrebecause the notiin the newsletter es not violate StanrIII(E). Answer C is incorrebecause the golf program’s funraising campaign halrea begun, so scussing the opportunity to nate wappropriate.因为自己担任董事,就给所有的客户发邮件,不算泄露客户信息吗?相当于用公司客户的信息,给自己的组织使用啊?

2020-10-21 23:52 1 · 回答

如果她向客户介绍了这个捐赠,并且推荐,同时她也说明了她自己与捐赠会的关系,不算违反吧? 如果她向客户介绍了这个捐赠,并且推荐,但是没有sclose自己与捐赠会的关系,算违反吧?

2020-03-05 10:49 1 · 回答