NO.PZ2015122802000105问题如下Emerging markets have benefitefrom recent tren in internationmarkets. Whiof the following hnot been a benefit of these tren?A.Emerging market companies not have to worry about a laof liquity in their home equity markets.B.Emerging market companies have founit easier to raise capitin the markets of velopecountries.C.Emerging market companies have benefitefrom the stability of foreign exchange markets. is correct.The tren in emerging markets have not leto the stability of foreign exchange markets.考点Private Equity anNon-mestic Equity Securities这个地方讲的是随着全球化进程的加速,全球资本市场有三个明显的趋势1、increasing number of companies have issueshares in markets outsi of their home country2、the number of companies whose shares are train markets outsi of their home hincrease、increasing number of companies are liste whimeans ththeir shares are simultaneously issueantrain two or more markets.总结来说,这三点的意思就是越来越多的公司选择在本国以外的市场发行股票,而且这些在国外市场中发行股票公司的交易量也上升了。此外,更多的公司选择在本国和外国同时发行并交易。这道题就是问中哪一个不是新兴市场在这三个趋势下获益的方面。新兴市场在全球化进程中有三方面的benefits:1、可以到国外融资,说明他们不需要担心资本管制了2、如果在国内融不到钱,那么就可以去国外融资,缺乏流动性的担忧小了(这说的就是A)3、他们发现在发达国家融资更加容易(B)显而易见,这三点里没有提到C说的关于外汇市场稳定的问题。 请问,cstability of foreign exchange market这部分,可不可以理解成外汇市场并不是稳定的,emerging markets在发达国家融资会受到汇率波动的风险呢?
NO.PZ2015122802000105 Emerging market companies have founit easier to raise capitin the markets of velopecountries. Emerging market companies have benefitefrom the stability of foreign exchange markets. C is correct. The tren in emerging markets have not leto the stability of foreign exchange markets. 考点Private Equity anNon-mestic Equity Securities 这个地方讲的是随着全球化进程的加速,全球资本市场有三个明显的趋势 1、increasing number of companies have issueshares in markets outsi of their home country 2、the number of companies whose shares are train markets outsi of their home hincrease3、increasing number of companies are liste whimeans ththeir shares are simultaneously issueantrain two or more markets. 总结来说,这三点的意思就是越来越多的公司选择在本国以外的市场发行股票,而且这些在国外市场中发行股票公司的交易量也上升了。此外,更多的公司选择在本国和外国同时发行并交易。 这道题就是问中哪一个不是新兴市场在这三个趋势下获益的方面。新兴市场在全球化进程中有三方面的benefits: 1、可以到国外融资,说明他们不需要担心资本管制了 2、如果在国内融不到钱,那么就可以去国外融资,缺乏流动性的担忧小了(这说的就是3、他们发现在发达国家融资更加容易(显而易见,这三点里没有提到C说的关于外汇市场稳定的问题。 请问怎么能理解到“市场全球化”上,有没有固定的英语套路表达市场全球化?
NO.PZ2015122802000105 Emerging market companies have founit easier to raise capitin the markets of velopecountries. Emerging market companies have benefitefrom the stability of foreign exchange markets. C is correct. The tren in emerging markets have not leto the stability of foreign exchange markets. 考点Private Equity anNon-mestic Equity Securities 这个地方讲的是随着全球化进程的加速,全球资本市场有三个明显的趋势 1、increasing number of companies have issueshares in markets outsi of their home country 2、the number of companies whose shares are train markets outsi of their home hincrease3、increasing number of companies are liste whimeans ththeir shares are simultaneously issueantrain two or more markets. 总结来说,这三点的意思就是越来越多的公司选择在本国以外的市场发行股票,而且这些在国外市场中发行股票公司的交易量也上升了。此外,更多的公司选择在本国和外国同时发行并交易。 这道题就是问中哪一个不是新兴市场在这三个趋势下获益的方面。新兴市场在全球化进程中有三方面的benefits: 1、可以到国外融资,说明他们不需要担心资本管制了 2、如果在国内融不到钱,那么就可以去国外融资,缺乏流动性的担忧小了(这说的就是3、他们发现在发达国家融资更加容易(显而易见,这三点里没有提到C说的关于外汇市场稳定的问题。 和美元挂钩 就稳定吗……
那有汇率相关联的benefits or harms么?