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勇往直前 · 2022年05月13日

这个回答有点和prepayment risk 矛盾



Which of the following statements is true regarding mortgage-backed securities?


A.Insurance companies prefer the first-loss tranche.

B.When interest rates rise, prepayments will likely accelerate.

C.When interest rates fall, the low-risk senior tranche will amortize more quickly.


C is correct. When interest rates decline, borrowers are likely to refinance their loans at a faster pace than before, resulting in faster amortization of each MBS tranche, including the senior tranche, which is the lowest-risk tranche.

A is incorrect because risk-averse investors, primarily insurance companies, prefer the lowest-risk tranches, which are the first to receive interest and principal. The junior-most tranche is referred to as the first-loss tranche. It is the highest-risk tranche and is the last to receive interest and principal distributions.

B is incorrect because when interest rates rise, prepayments will likely slow down, lengthening the duration of most MBS tranches. Prepayments will likely increase when interest rates decline, because borrowers are likely to refinance their loans at a faster pace.

如果是low risk senior tranche , repayment risk 也是最低吗?如果是,那应该是high risk subordinate tranche先收到提前还款啊?

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年05月15日


首先我们来理解一下MBS的概念,购房人向银行贷款买房,银行为了提高资金利用效率,将贷款打包,发行MBS产品。投资者投资MBS,其中分为优先级和次级。当市场利率下降时,购房人可能会选择以较低的利率再融资,当购房人提前偿还房贷,即还款给MBS产品,MBS产品会优先兑付给优先级持有人(低违约风险,保证拿到利息),所以senior tranche这一层被偿付(摊销)的速度是相对快的,即C的描述。

这里的low risk是站在MBS投资人角度来看的,他们投资MBS(把钱借给MBS),相对次级投资者,风险比较小,可以安稳的拿回本金和收益,优先收到还款。我们在投资中说的risk都是指本金是否受损,对MBS优先级持有人来说,MBS就是个债券,购买优先级就是为了用投资的本金获取安稳的收益,风险就是债券违约无法拿回本金和利息。假设你是MBS优先级投资人,如果可以提前拿回本金和收益,你不觉得这更好吗?本来要2年到期的定期理财,半年到期了,本息都给了,多好啊。


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NO.PZ2018053101000040 问题如下 Whiof the following statements istrue regarng mortgage-backesecurities? A.Insurancompanies prefer the first-losstranche. B.When interest rates rise, prepayments willlikely accelerate. C.When interest rates fall, the low-risk seniortranche will amortize more quickly. Cis correct. When interest rates cline, borrowers are likely to refinancetheir loans a faster pathbefore, resulting in faster amortization ofeaMtranche, inclung the senior tranche, whiis the lowest-risktranche.Ais incorrebecause risk-averse investors, primarily insurancompanies,prefer the lowest-risk tranches, whiare the first to receive interest anrincipal. The junior-most tranche is referreto the first-loss tranche. Itis the highest-risk tranche anis the last to receive interest anprincipalstributions.B is incorrectbecause when interest rates rise, prepayments will likely slow wn,lengthening the ration of most Mtranches. Prepayments will likely increasewhen interest rates cline, because borrowers are likely to refinantheirloans a faster pace. 感觉C很不严谨啊,prepayment risk和Cret risk不能混淆呀,C这个等于把两个东西混在一起了

2023-09-09 16:03 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000040 问题如下 Whiof the following statements istrue regarng mortgage-backesecurities? A.Insurancompanies prefer the first-losstranche. B.When interest rates rise, prepayments willlikely accelerate. C.When interest rates fall, the low-risk seniortranche will amortize more quickly. Cis correct. When interest rates cline, borrowers are likely to refinancetheir loans a faster pathbefore, resulting in faster amortization ofeaMtranche, inclung the senior tranche, whiis the lowest-risktranche.Ais incorrebecause risk-averse investors, primarily insurancompanies,prefer the lowest-risk tranches, whiare the first to receive interest anrincipal. The junior-most tranche is referreto the first-loss tranche. Itis the highest-risk tranche anis the last to receive interest anprincipalstributions.B is incorrectbecause when interest rates rise, prepayments will likely slow wn,lengthening the ration of most Mtranches. Prepayments will likely increasewhen interest rates cline, because borrowers are likely to refinantheirloans a faster pace. 虽然选对了,但c是啥意思

2023-08-08 05:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000040问题如下 Whiof the following statements istrue regarng mortgage-backesecurities? A.Insurancompanies prefer the first-losstranche.B.When interest rates rise, prepayments willlikely accelerate.C.When interest rates fall, the low-risk seniortranche will amortize more quickly. Cis correct. When interest rates cline, borrowers are likely to refinancetheir loans a faster pathbefore, resulting in faster amortization ofeaMtranche, inclung the senior tranche, whiis the lowest-risktranche.Ais incorrebecause risk-averse investors, primarily insurancompanies,prefer the lowest-risk tranches, whiare the first to receive interest anrincipal. The junior-most tranche is referreto the first-loss tranche. Itis the highest-risk tranche anis the last to receive interest anprincipalstributions.B is incorrectbecause when interest rates rise, prepayments will likely slow wn,lengthening the ration of most Mtranches. Prepayments will likely increasewhen interest rates cline, because borrowers are likely to refinantheirloans a faster pace. 是哪一层呢,有什么特点

2022-11-03 08:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000040问题如下 Whiof the following statements istrue regarng mortgage-backesecurities? A.Insurancompanies prefer the first-losstranche.B.When interest rates rise, prepayments willlikely accelerate.C.When interest rates fall, the low-risk seniortranche will amortize more quickly. Cis correct. When interest rates cline, borrowers are likely to refinancetheir loans a faster pathbefore, resulting in faster amortization ofeaMtranche, inclung the senior tranche, whiis the lowest-risktranche.Ais incorrebecause risk-averse investors, primarily insurancompanies,prefer the lowest-risk tranches, whiare the first to receive interest anrincipal. The junior-most tranche is referreto the first-loss tranche. Itis the highest-risk tranche anis the last to receive interest anprincipalstributions.B is incorrectbecause when interest rates rise, prepayments will likely slow wn,lengthening the ration of most Mtranches. Prepayments will likely increasewhen interest rates cline, because borrowers are likely to refinantheirloans a faster pace. 保险公司不是在投资人出现损失的时候会承担赔付吗?

2022-07-31 10:17 1 · 回答