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kat · 2016年05月16日

试试新功能Q&A《《《三级 fixed income 课后题里经典题的答案是否有错?》》》求教~~~~

“If one has no clear opinion about the interest rate outlook but would like to avoid risk, selling
interest rate futures would be a good strategy. ”这句话有问题,是不是
interest rate futures

就是sell bond呢???如果相同意思,才说得通。求教~~~~

附件 课后题题目 答案

3. The trustees of a pension fund would like to examine the issue of protecting the bonds in the
fund’s portfolio against an increase in interest rates using options and futures. Before discussing
this with their external bond fund manager, they decide to ask four consultants about their
recommendations as to what should be done at this time. It turns out that each of them has a
different recommendation. Consultant A suggests selling covered calls, Consultant B suggests
doing nothing at all, Consultant C suggests selling interest rate futures, and Consultant D
suggests buying puts. The reason for their different recommendations is that although all
consultants understand the pension fund’s objective of minimizing risk, they differ with one
another in regards to their outlook on future interest rates. One of the consultants believes
interest rates are headed downward, one has no opinion, one believes that the interest rates
would not change much in either direction, and one believes that the interest rates are headed
upward. Based on the consultants’ recommendations, could you identify the outlook of each

If one has no clear opinion about the interest rate outlook but would like to avoid risk, selling
interest rate futures would be a good strategy. If interest rates were to increase, the loss in value
of bonds would be offset by the gains from futures. Thus, Consultant C, who suggested selling
interest rate futures, is likely the one who has no opinion.


3 个答案

693520973 · 2016年05月16日

原本持有债券现货,同时selling interest rate futures ,称为套保,也就是无法判断债券的方向时的中性策略,基本没有资本利得收益或损失(只有基差风险),只获取债券票息。

345434208 · 2016年05月16日


selling interest rate futures 只是现在就以一个固定利率获得未来的interest

sell bond的hedge方法是当分析师预计未来interest会上升时,才会这么做,Int上升,bond贬值,sell bond获得收益,可以弥补亏损

但是当你对未来利率没有任何预期时,还想hedge interest rate risk,那就简单的sell interest rate futures就好,不论interest rate 如何变化,我都已经锁定住我的interest rate收益了

金甲的猴王 · 2016年05月16日

Bonds in the fund’s portfolio,持有债券现货,利率上升,债券贬值;
C suggests selling interest rate futures,卖出利率期货,利率上升,期货价值下降。



wh1010 · 2016年05月16日

利率期货是以债券为标的物,当利率上升时,债券价格下降,sell futures 可以获得收益,以对冲原持有bond的loss

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