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Sallyrrr · 2024年04月30日

aggressive 不是当期NI会下降吗 那之后的不应该是越来越高吗



Q. Which of the following would most likely signal that a company may be using aggressive accrual accounting policies to shift current expenses to later periods? Over the last five-year period, the ratio of cash flow to net income has:


A.increased each year. B.decreased each year. C.fluctuated from year to year.


B is correct. If the ratio of cash flow to net income for a company is consistently below 1 or has declined repeatedly over time, this may be a signal of manipulation of information in financial reports through aggressive accrual accounting policies. When net income is consistently higher than cash provided by operations, one possible explanation is that the company may be using aggressive accrual accounting policies to shift current expenses to later periods.

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月30日


题目说的是“aggressive accrual accounting policies to shift current expenses to later periods”也就是题目定义的aggressive本身就是当期少计费用从而导致当期NI更多,未来才多计费用从而导致未来NI变少的呢
